Wednesday, August 21, 2013

My Hudson Heart

This little Batman Boy brings
so much LoVE and JoY to my life!!!!!!!
So, he basically wore his two pairs of
Nike pants ALL last year.  This summer
I pretty much had to FORCE him to
wear shorts (and didn't always win).
The other thing he LOVES to wear is
this shirt that Lynna got him when he
was a year old at a TRuCK StOP!  ;)
He would wear this allllll the time if
I didn't hide it from him!!!
Aunt Lynna seems to always remind
him of it the few times he doesn't
have it on!!!!!!!!!!!
The other thing he LOVES to wear is
his Spiderman PJ's...mainly the top
although this new "look" has recently emerged ~
the pj top & pants WITH shorts over the pants!!!  ;)
If anyone can pull it off, it's Hudson!
He's just that cute!!!!!!!!;)
His other LATEST love are his new shoes...
he was SO excited to get new shoes like
Hadlee and Walker were getting to get!!!
Size 12 for my 3 year old.  Going to catch Hadlee;)
 A couple of weeks ago, I got this h.o.r.r.i.b.l.e
stomach virus (and staph:( at the same time).
I don't know that I have EVER felt
that bad in my life.  Thankfully the virus
literally only lasted 24 hours...but A.W.F.U.L. 
I was IN bed:( and this sweet, sweet
precious soul would sneak in there
to see me.  God love his little heart!!!
 I think it was his sweet super power
smile:) that brought me back to health!!!
I heart Hudson!

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