Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Hudson Pic Collages

First Day of 2nd, 6th, 9th!!!

All ready for 2nd, 6th and 9th GRADES!!!
So sweet and cute!!!!
Yay for 2nd GRADE!!!
Cute as EVER!
So handsome!!!
15, 11, 7
Coming to school with MAMA!!!!!
Go absolutely shine in 6th grade,
Sweet Girl!
So happy to have Mrs. Bain!!!!!
Only teacher to have all three Pierces❤
2nd grade with his BEST BUDDY!  YAY!
I couldn't resist Walker's first day in English...
Mrs. Roper's class:)
Dream Team for the WiN❤
Love having allll my boys in the building!
First DAY Over!!!!!!!!!!❤
All three had awesome days!
I am so grateful❤
Mariah and I ready for the year in the 227!