Friday, July 15, 2011

Hadlee's 5th BIRTHday!!!

Our little Princess turned FIVE
on April 25, 2011.
I can't believe that my baby
girl is FIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haddie is so sweet.
She really, really is................
She is also spunky and fun!!!
She is happy!:)
She cracks up easily!
She is fun-loving!
She is kind-hearted!
She is beautiful!
She loves to laugh...
especially at her brothers whom she adores!!!
Her giggle is the cutest thing EVER!
She is very sensitive!
She is sassy!!!
She is the little girl of my dreams
and she is FIVE now!
The night before our little girl's
birthday..........I swear she is growing
up right before my very eyes.
In her Hannah Montana pj's
posing with her Big Bro;)
Happy BIRTHday, Sweet Angel!!!
Her celebration at Mrs. Janice's.....
Such sweet and special friends.......
Sweetest lady in the world!
So thankful for her impact on my
little Haddie's life!!!
Somebody was excited for Haddie's
birthday treat;)))))
A perfect day:)
 A very happy place for Haddie Girl...
Mrs. Janice's house!:)
 Being the birthday DIVA!!!!!;)
Celebrating with her dance
class that afternoon.......
Opening a few presents on the night of
her birthday.  The big par-tay wasn't
until the weekend!  :)
Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure
from Walker;)
LOVE for SiSTER!!!!!!!
LOTS of LOVE!!!!!!!
Barbie purse from Hudson
(so he could have her Hello Kitty one;)
Her choice for her birthday dinner and night...
Chick-fil-a, rides at the mall
and Build-a-Bear Workshop!!!!!!!!!!!
Ice Cream I Scream we all Scream
for Haddie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I pray her sweet little wishes
come true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Her birthday bear has three hearts...
one from Haddie,
one from Lil Bro.................
...and one from Big Bro......
A special bear for a
VERY special little girl!
All my love to you, Haddie!
My best little girl friend in
all of this world. 
You are truly DELIGHTFUL,
little girl!
You are MOST definitely
Daddy's little Princess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy 5th Birthday
to a little bit of
Heaven on Earth!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Mrs. Davison said...

Haddie is precious! Happy birthday beautiful girl. I always asked my daughter "what is the most beautiful part of u?" and she always answered "my heart". I would imagine that Haddie's is her heart, too.