Tuesday, January 13, 2009

*Note to Self*

#1 Quit writing Walker's name in
cutsie ways on papers & envelopes.
He just might start copying me on his
own school work...

#2 Remember when Walker brings home
his library book from kindergarten that
he is learning to read...

...and to NOT try to change the words "SHUT UP"
to "HUSH". He can read
the words "SHUT UP"; therefore,
he knows I am trying to trick him.


Anonymous said...

How funny! That child of yours is on top of it....he might be just a little advanced, ya think?! :) That is hilarious. Maybe it's good for little ones to keep it in context because as much as we want to teach them, they still live in the same crazy world we do! Those kids are priceless. Love this!

Beth E. said...

Just pray that "shut up" is the worst thing he'll come across (at least for several years)!

When my boys were very young I had to explain...all too SOON, I might add...that there are certain words that we just don't say in our family, even if other people DO! Sheesh...I agree with Lindsay, it IS a crazy world.

Blessings from the Reeds said...

Hilarious! This made my day. haha! I messed up yesterday letting Lauren listen to a song on the radio...The humpty dance. I forgot that was a dirty song! She had many a questions for me after that. Oh, the things we go through as a mommy. (we wouldn't trade these day fo-sho')

angie said...

I love the dot letter name:) How creative!!! And why oh why do they have to write "shut up"??? I'm with you Hush is so much better:. This growing up thing is hard for us mommies-

Jessi -in love with her family of four said...

That's so funny.