Thursday, December 18, 2008

Jolly Good Times

...that I don't ever want to forget!!!

First of all,
Troy acquired this chair for his home office.
We like to call it the THROWN!
It's huge and the kids LOVE it!!!

A Breakfast of Champions...(Little pancakes, two brownie bites & some marshmellows!)

I am throwing the following pictures in specifically
for my beloved Na Na's
(I'm checking to see which ones are naughty or nice
by checking my blog!).
You see, Kimberly gave me a movie TWO years
ago as a Christmas gift. She, Laura, & Megan
seem to think this movie is the!
(Unbeknownst to them, Kelli has been telling me
just the opposite!!!).
I am not a movie watcher by any means...
I have VERY specific tastes in movies.
My NOT watching this movie has been
the source of many conversations & e-mails.
So Saturday night, while T-dawg was off
playing poker and I was wrapping presents......I decided to give Love Actually the
old college try (seeing as those Kimberly has
requested the return of the movie or her $12.99).
Actually, I am not going to give my review
until I see what Na Na's view this tid bit of
juicy bloggalicious information.

While on the subject of friends...
go and check out
Sweet L sent it to the Na Na's today and we
have all balled our eyes out watching it.
It's a MUST see.
(Love Actually is NOT!)

Walker LOVES to play games...
he is so good at Checkers (way better than Mommy!). What else have I been doing?!?

...perhaps making 21 gingerbread houses for Walker's class to decorate and stuffing school pictures into 19 ornaments from the PTA to each student. All the while planning and organizing the holiday party. Secretly loving it all, too!!!

Two jollies I don't want to ever forget...

*While reading "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" the other night, Walker says to me, "The grinch doesn't even know it is Jesus's birthday"!!! I love that kid! The Whos needed to share the Good news with the Grinch!

*I say "We'll see" A LOT to Haddie. She is
always wanting to go somewhere or do
something and I have used my "we'll see" line
for as long as possible. BUT NOW..
Haddie says, "NO MOMMY DON'T SAY
My, how they learn fast!!!
Also, Hadlee loves to do my hair & make-up now...
she wraps me up in a blanket and goes
to town with play eye shadow, 'hair products',
her brush and the Barbie hairdryer. I have
been loving this new pway time with her!!!
Guess what...
Miss Priss LOVES for Mommy to do the same to HER!!!

Haddie also loves to have birthday parties & sing happy birthday to Co Co or Ro Ro or herself! She and Daddy started this & it's terribly cute...

Hadlee loves a specific pair of Dora pj's...
that are way tooooo small now.
I beg and plead with her to wear different
pj's every single night!
Guess what?!? We are making progress...
I bought her some new princess ones & she
insisted on wearing them UNDER this
princess gown that Cami gave her!Little Missy loves Polly Pockets although
she calls them 'Little Barbies'.
She has one named Mindy, one Haddie,
one CoCo & one Kate Kate !
They go to Target A LOT in this little car...
My baby girl still loves her crib...
and that is fine by Mommy!!!
She loves it so much, she even has tea parties in it!!!Now the Princess will close with a wish
for a very, merry rest of the week to each of you...

We are counting our blessings

& loving life!!!


Amanda said...

I'm with you.. Matthew still LOVES his crib and this mama is A-OK with that! He has never even tried to climb out.

You have been one busy busy mama! Way to go, sounds like you're having a ton of fun in the process. That's all that matters right?!

LOVE LOVE LOVE all of your pictures!!

Anonymous said...

That post is a keepsake! What sweet things we forget months down the road. When is Haddie's Birthday? You will look back and be so glad you jotted down exactly what they say and do. You encourage me to do the same as I forget most of the time and when I go back, I never can remember what B said!! Those gingerbread houses are Merry and Hadlee's breakfast looks yummy-can I come?! It ranks right up there with B's M&M's and waffles and Ellie Sue's YooHoo (is that how you spell it?). Beauty parlor cracks me up-and they get so serious about it!! Last night, I was trying to give B some highlands tabs for teething and she does NOT like them one bit so it's always a fight. She saw me with the bottle walking towards her and she backed slowly into the corner where her toys were and said, "Bowie pay". It reminded me of H's pway!!! Love to yall!

Blessings from the Reeds said...

Can I just say the best part of my birthday was when Haddie sang to me? SWEET GIRL! She melted my heart. These are precious pictures of Walker and Haddie. Soooooo precious! Hey, I am with you on the movie. Did I ever tell you Jeannie and I went to see that together? Stay warm! Great post!!!

Graham said...

OK- I can't stand it. You and your family are so cute it is seriously crazy! PRECIOUS!!!!

Kimberly said...

Wooooooooo hoooooooooooooo! Who's your mama!? of Sunday at 2:46, I am the ONLY NaNa who has left a comment.
Hoped you liked the movie...but, ACTUALLY...I'll still LOVE you if you didn't!

Laura said...

THANK YOU for FINALLY watching the movie! Even if you didn't like it, at least you've seen it and can give your honest and informed opinion! Well - What did you think? Isn't it!?! XOXOX -Laura