Monday, April 6, 2015

Things That Never Get Old...

Finding things like this on my board:
Being outside with these three
(when it's warm!):
Hearing them have fun:
This football player:
AND his amazing imagination:
Fun Family Friends:)
Marco's on Friday nights with friends:
Seeing a football player that
Hudson loves at church:
Good things happening to good people:
Like Mrs. Janice and her family 
building a new home:
My boy having so many great friends:
Huddy loving his mommy:
Snuggles with my sweet girl:
(Except I like them MuCH better
when she isn't feeling bad!):
My babies sleeping:
Sweet e-mails from my kids' teachers:
AND pictures of my girl and her 
best friend helping
a new student at school:
3 Spoons with these two:
Seeing pictures of my fave kids at 3 Spoons:
Face Timing with this funny girl:
Being in SHOCK with my friend
that we are attending a middle
school meeting for our oldest boys:
My girl writing things on my board
for my students to read:
Face Timing with my Hudsy Puds:

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