Sunday, October 12, 2014

Football Thoughts

I have to be honest that I ReaLLY had my 
doubts about letting Walker play football this year
(and if he gets hurt then I know my doubts
were real!!!  ha!), but being on this team
has FAR exceeded my expectations and doubts.
Everyone told me that this team would
be like a family ... but I just didn't know.
They were so right though! 
We have made new friends, strengthened
friendships and just had a blast!
Our entire little family of five
has a part on this team and it
has been a BLaST!  I am so thankful for...
the cheerleaders!!!!!!!!!!
...the players!!!!!!!!!
...and the CUTE little boy who runs
out to get the tee after the kick offs!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our game on September 27th against
Troy was a beautiful and hot day...
and we won!!!!!!!!!!!
Cute guy filling in on the sidelines;)
Way to Go, Jonah!!!!!!!!!!
Way to Go, Jared!!!!!!!!!!
WAY TO GO, WALKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After the game, both teams gathered
in the middle of the field for a prayer!!!
That was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
The friendships we are making and
the fun we are having is priceless!
Like Hudson who loves Logan
and thinks he is his friend!!!

We are SO proud of our boy!!!!!
 you are my heart and soul!!!!!!!
I love you so, so much!!!!!!!

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