Thursday, October 9, 2014

Football + Fun = Weekend

Our weekends = football these days!
I love how they walk out with their arms linked...
AND these weekends are sooooooo fun...
especially with these sassy & sweet cheerleaders!:)
And our Haley Girl!!!
Walker is playing, Hadlee is
cheering and NOW Hudson is the boy
who runs out to get the T after
the kick offs!!!!!!!!:)

He runs so fast!!!
It's awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He absolutely LOVES his new role!!!
He asks over and over
when the next kick off is!!!!!
So proud of our little man!!!!!!!
(He had added a baseball belt
to his get up for this game day;)
Look at my #86 out there!!!
He is playing offense and defense
and he BARELY comes out of the game
at all!!!!!  He is working so hard!
He's huge!!!!!
Ready for another RUN!!!!!!!!!
Cutest squad EVER!!!
"Daddy, is it time again???"
This was an EXTRA special Saturday
because Jersi Girl was with us!!!
That makes all of us happy!!!!!!!!!!
Mama Selfie!!!
This was my first official
day with my new iPhone 6 so
Haley was pretty much in charge of
it and teaching me how to use it;)
She can make any selfie look beautiful!
I love her so much!!!
PReCiouS GiRLS!!!!!
Sheka was ALL about stirring up
our girls and their Boom Boom Power!!!;)
Huds loves a selfie, too!  ;)
It was another awesome Panther Win!!!
Hudson loves Logan so much...
and vice versa!!!!!!!
El Con Afterwards..........
That night Haley was going to babysit
and we were going to go to a movie
with the Moores...BUT we ended up
just hanging out all night at our house. 
Nadalie randomly sent us a picture
of her mom sleeping (to a group
text we had going earlier),
but we had no idea who had sent it.
It made us start taking random
pictures and texting them back...
Haley was doing the old
'put the phone in a random spot
and take a pic' trick;)
We were all laughing so hard,
we were crying!!!
Then Nadalie sent us back a crazy
pic of herself with her mom sleeping
in the background!  SO funny!!!
J & H had a couple of shows for us:)
Then Walker and Jared got in on the
random pic taking;)
BUT the best was when Dr. Moore
told Hudson that he had Coach Mike
on his phone!!!!!!!!!  He had his oldest
son pretend he was Coach Mike!!!
The look on Hudson's face was PRICELESS!
This Coach Mike knew Hudson's
stats on the soccer field
and that Matthew, Mark, Luke
and John were his teammates!!!;)
It was a riot!
Hudson said, "How he doing that?"
"Is that an app???"
More terrible non-selfies;)
A couple of Spidermen showed up;)
And the girls had a slumber party in my room:)
The next day after donuts and pizza,
we were off to a movie!!!
I love this gang so much!!!!!!!

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