Monday, October 3, 2011

Haddie & the Two Lost Teeth ;)

My little Princess Pie does not like any
attention drawn to her.  Mid-Summer,
 I noticed that something was going
 on in Haddie's mouth and that she was
talking kinda funny.  I finally realized
that she had TWO loose teeth!!!!!!!!
She didn't want ANYBODY to know!  ha!

A couple of days before school started,
she was dancing around at Mrs. Janice's
house and the two (or was it one!?!)
flew out of her mouth!!!  Simple as that!:)
Except at first Mrs. J and Adrienne
could only find one tooth!;)))
Haddie was SO fine with it all AT FIRST...
then all of the sudden, the tears began to fall.
Still not quite sure why ~ at first we
thought it was the blood, but then I
realized later that Haddie Girl wasn't
too thrilled about the "Tooth Fairy"
coming into her room while she was sleeping!
Mommy got there as quickly as I could
to hold my precious toothless baby girl!!!
Two bottom teeth gone!  ;)
Sister was so solemn and didn't want me
nor anyone else looking at her bottom
toothless grin OR even talking about it.
Thank Goodness Janice got those pics
BEFORE the tears...or we would never
have had documentation of this!!!
(Obviously Hudsy wasn't too affected by the ordeal!  ha!)
That night we wrote the tooth fairy
a special note and Hadlee slept with
mommy and daddy so the "Tooth Fairy"
would come in our room.  ;)))
Luckily Janice and Adrienne found the
other tooth a couple of days later!  ha!
Goodness Gracious...
Girl drama is something else!
Glad my little Drama Queen is
SuPer SWeeT otherwise!!:)))

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