Monday, October 17, 2011

Dumb & Dumber aaaaand ...........

Since I am their mother,
I can make jokes like this.......
The afternoon these two GOOFY kids put
this together ~ helmets and all ...
all I could think of was
"Dumb & Dumber" ;)))))))))
And when I turned around to see my
third GOOFY child headed my way.....
I'm sorry, but all I could think of
was "Dumbest!"
He would NOT let up on the gas
I think he expected the curb
to move rather than him;)))
So, it was just this one afternoon when
all I could think to call my
beloved, lovable, and GOOFY children.......
Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest!!!

1 comment:

Beth E. said...

Sounds like they definitely keep you on your toes! LOL I believe Hudson is going to enjoy living his life "full speed ahead". :-)