Friday, November 21, 2014


These crazy fun filled fall days
          make us FaLL asleep!!!!!!!!!! 
Never a dull moment in our house!  ;)
I could watch this little boy
play all day long.  
Shopping with my fave girl:)
I giggled when I found this selfie
of my girl on her iTouch.
She took this when she was practicing
with her Halloween "nerd" outfit;) 
Troy was gone for a week in October...
and that meant my bed looked like THiS:
Daddy requests lots of pics when he is gone:)
Lynna and Travis got me this new
chevron bag and I love it!
I'm all about BAGS:)
New size 11 hi-tops could only mean
one thing.  It's time for BaSKeTBaLL
season!!!  Walker is back on the
Swarm and they are already practicing!
One night Hudson asked for "real"
math homework so I made him a little
worksheet, and he REALLY wanted to do it.
He caught on so quickly to me showing
him how when it's plus zero, it's
the same number.  I was impressed
with my four year old!!!
He doesn't get that from his MAMA!!!;)
I found this in Walker's folder
one day and it made my heart smile.
Jesus, God, Christ, Midway,
Cowboys, Aggies, sports...
I love him so much. 
Rainy Day at Mrs. Janice's:)
We were showing off our rain boots,
but I don't know how to take
a selfie that you can see our shoes, too!  ;)
Dress up with Beau!!!!!!!!!
Walker is going all over the 'hood
on his bike now.  He and his buddies
are exploring, riding to each others' houses
and just being boys.  I love it!
Then there's this girl!
I absolutely LOVE her style.
I fall in love all over again with these
three every single day! :)

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