Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hudson's (Superhero) Identity Crisis

Sometimes Hudson gets exhausted
being Spiderman all the time...
SO, he has to be BATMAN!!!
But usually it's Batman with a twist...
And he's very serious about
He practices for it a lot! ;)
He loves to wear Bubba's
old, white or gray baseball pants
when he's Baseball Batman...
The day after choosing his Halloween
costume (Robin to go with Bubba's Batman),
we were at HEB and he spotted an
IronMan costume.  All of the sudden,
he said, "I not like Wobin anymore. 
I like Iwon Man!!!!!!!!!"
So I told him if he pooped on the potty,
I'd buy him "Iwon Man".....
Well, low and behold he DID!!!
Meet IRON MAN..........
In full character of course.
How he knows all this stuff like
what Iron Man does, I haven't a clue!
He even lights up!!!!!!!
But my favorite dress up day just
might have been the day he came home
and wanted his shirt off and his long
Under Armour shorts on so he could be...
Just another superhero...his Daddy!
WITH the lawn mower of course!!!
Shirtless Pierce II
Another morning I was so surprised when
he didn't want one of his costumes.
Instead he wanted this certain pair
of Under Armour shorts, a t-shirt
AND a hoodie.  It was kinda nice
seeing my child in clothes for a change;)
But on our way to school,
I called him"Hudson" and he said,
"I not Hudson.  I Bubba."
God love him...
he had seen what Walker was
wearing (shorts, t-shirt, & hoodie).
He wanted to be his Bubba that day!!!:)
The whole "costume" thing has been a riot.
Walker or Hadlee never went through
this stage.  It's cute as can be to see
my little man be a Superhero!!!
Plus I just feel so protected
everywhere I the mall
with Iron Man by my side!!!:)
I love having boys!!!!!!!!!!!!

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