Saturday, November 10, 2012

Aggies vs. Cowboys

I loved reading Dr. James Dobson's
book, Bringing Up Boys
I think Troy could write one
called Bringing Up Aggies ;)
Walker thinks he might be
Johnny Football;)
The only problem is Hudson throws a
fit and ALWAYS wants to wear his
Cowboy stuff on Aggie game day?!?
He knows the difference between
Cowboys and Aggies, but won't budge;(
...UNTIL his daddy and brother
shame him so much that
he does go back and put on his
A&M uniform!!! 
This is Walker's old jersey (and uniform) of
course.  Walker wanted to (and quite often
did!) wear this jersey every single day!!!
My hope for Baylor seems to be
dissipating with Sister Pie:(
Forget Johnny Football,
we got Huddy Football!!!  
Dream Big, Little Ag!!!
"There is surely a future hope for you,
and your hope will not be cut off."
Psalm 23:18 

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