Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Isaiah 40:31

Travis had the opportunity to go out to
REACH Therapeutic Riding
as part of his therapy.
Travis was a natural!!!
The amazing people (mainly ALL volunteers)
are like angels.  I swear the whole day
was just sent straight from God.
There is SO MUCH goodness in this world.
Everyone of them fell in love with Travis.
About ten or fifteen minutes into the session,
the head therapist said, "Well, I guess
Travis will go ahead and do the obstacle
course on his first time!  I didn't plan for that!"
We thought this would be more for pleasure
and just something for Travis to "get" to do
rather than how he just has to sit all the time.
Come to find out, horseback riding therapy
is a wonderful way to exerise muscles
in the core that NO amount of physical
therapy could ever exercise. 
Doesn't he look AMAZING?
Look who couldn't take his eyes off of Travis?
Travis struggles with his posture
and so this is great for that, too!
A "thumbs up"!
Of course the Storm was in full effect;)
But sweet as can be, too!
The horse's name is Simon. 
The majority of these workers are volunteers.
Just giving their time and energy
and Saturdays to help others. 
SO makes me want to be a better person.
Our Superman!!!
One proud Mama!
And a very proud Aunt, too!
Simon is such a gentle horse...
Travis has always been an animal lover. 
We kept thanking these wonderful people
over and over again.  They kept thinking US.
I really think they might have all
been angels.  The place, the day, the was all too perfect!
Grandmother loved it, too!
(Aunt Michelle was out of town that day).
More thankful than words could ever say...
Pure sweetness...
We love to hear Travis laugh.
He sounds kinda like Chewbacca!
Camp Hope is a beautiful place
Travis is a miracle from God!!!

1 comment:

snekcip said...

Beautiful....just beautiful. I'm still here, still standing in amazement of God's grace and mercy. Travis you are one awesome young man. Continue to be an inpsiration to all that have come to know your story and to the many you have yet to touch and give hope to in the future!! RIDE 'EM COWBOY!!!