Monday, February 23, 2009

More about my PLAY-ya

Glad you guys liked the video!
Speaking of my little b-ball play-ya...
I thought I'd post pics from his last
game on Friday night with the
Maroon Vipers and also post his season stats.
Walker had a great season!!!
Here are his stats:
*Average of 2 points per game.
*One smack right on his face from a rebound.
*AWESOME defense on both ends of the court.
*Always tried to be first back down the court.
*Had a blast every game!
He really did have a good time and he
was so bummed that this was the last game.
Since I video taped the game, I forgot to
bring my camera!!! Luckily my mother
had hers, but UNluckily I was not using it correctly!
I text messaged both of my sisters at 3:30 on
Friday telling them about the game at 6:30.
I had forgotten to tell them earlier.
Look who still showed up...gotta love my sistahs!
They love my kids like I love their kids!!!Logan is Haddie & Walker's hero!!!The biggest basketball fans I know...
PaPa & Grandmother!!!
(Troy had to 'shoooo' my mom off the
court before the game. She was trying
to give Walker some pointers!!!).I have no clue what was up with
my mom's camera & why it did this to our
two family picture attempts...

OH well,


On and off the Court!


Jessi -in love with her family of four said...

Great job Walker:) Grayson is playing Upwards this year and he loves it. My husband Matt was a bastketballa in his day so he is pretty excited about this. Have a great week girl:D

Mom to the 3rd Power said...

Soo sweet! Walker is so lucky to have such a great support system in your family!
Great pics, too.

angie said...

What a great little athlete you have! At least you have pictures right?!? Ryan will be so excited to play next year!

Amanda said...

WTG, Walker Man! Mason's last game is coming up soon too. As I was scrolling down this post, Matthew saw the picture of your dad and said "that's like Grampy".. funny thing is, he actually does resemble my dad a bit.

Blessings from the Reeds said...

Our future Midway star!! Way to go Walker. I love his stats. ha!

Jessi -in love with her family of four said...

Thanks girl,
I didn't know how TRASHY I really was until I had to go a few days..haha.

Beth E. said...

Good job, Walker! Sounds like a great season to me! :o)

I believe Walker has a great future in basketball...he has the height for it, too! What a cutie...

I think it's awesome that your family lives close enough to support and encourage each other. I'm a lil' jealous! ;o)

BTW...I LIKED your family pics!