Monday, August 11, 2014

Sharknado 2, The Second One

A while back the kids found
Sharknado on Netflix and turned it
on as a joke.  Hudson became
OBSESSED with it!!!!!!!!
He was wanting to watch this ridiculously
insane movie over and over again.
Then a month or so ago,
Aunt Lynna called to tell us that
there would be a SHARKNADO 2!!!
We all couldn't wait!!!!!!!!!!

Jared was spending the night
so we had Sonic and all curled up together 
to watch Sharknado 2, The Second One. 
It was the worst and best movie ever!
It's just so awful it was great!!!
We laughed all night over it;)
And seriously my kids should
have had cameo appearances in it!!!!!

1 comment:

snekcip said...

Can I seriously admit that my husband love this EXTREMELY absurd movie!!! When he was watching it, I thought it was a spoof of JAWS!! When I saw the thing flying I was like "THEY CAN'T BE SERIOUS"!! My grandsons LOVES it too!! It is so hilariously corny that it just draws you into the absurdity!!! It is a RUNNING JOKE between us too!!!