Saturday, July 19, 2014

Four & Fun

No matter where we go or
what we do...this kid is
always ready and willing and
so much fun!!!!!
Late evening trip to the store
with mommy when nobody else
wanted to go!
His precious little face and every single
one of his expressions absolutely
melts my heart!!!!!!!!!!
I couldn't love him more!!!

1 comment:

snekcip said...

Oh this young man touched my heart in way that still bring tears to my eyes. Mandy, I can still remember opening that post about his accident that July day. I could feel the same dread that I felt when we were faced with my nephew's (who was 14) dire prognosis. I can remember begging, pleading and even bargaining with God. After he passed away on that fateful day in March of 1996 I can recall the deep anger I started to feel. It was not after I saw at his service how many people who stood in a long line to tell how special "OUR BRANDON" was and just how much he changed them for the better. Mandy, this was HS kids, who could have been enjoying their SPRING BREAK, but they chose to be there to celebrate Brandon's wonderful life. They retired his basketball jersey (something that was NEVER done in the history of Beaumont Schools). Yes, if I could change things and have Brandon with us, I would do so in a minute. However, I finally realized that Brandon's work here on earth was done. He left us much too soon and left a hole in all our hearts. It has been 18years now and we still miss him tremendously. Brandon continues to live on in our hearts. We now have another "Brandon" in our family that was named in his memory. Brandon's death occurred during basketball practice. He had an underlying syndrome known as LONG QT SYNDROME. The condition can be treated if detected early on, but so little was known back in 1996 about this rapid and sometimes fatal syndrome. Brandon's death possibly could have been avoided had the schools been equipped with a defibrillator. So that NO OTHER PARENT has to suffer the sudden lost of their child, defibrillators were installed in the area schools. Brandon's death could possible prevent another senseless death. Yes, we could question so many things...but I have accepted God's plan. I also know that his death was not in vain. Neither is Travis journey thru this dark period in his life. That YOUNG MAN CONTINUES to SMILE and I honestly believe that GOD CONTINUALLY TALKS TO TRAVIS. His silence is only seen by the secular world...but Oh believe me GOD HEARS TRAVIS VOICE. Why do you think this young man has a SMILE as wide as he does?

God never promised us the road would be easy, but He did promise that He would be there for us in time of need. He has kept that promise for Travis. It's okay to feel the loss of "what could have been", God knows and allows us to do so. However, He also gives us signs that He has not left us in times of trouble.

I got chills when you said that "the therapy session would go on". If that is NOT GOD working then what is?

Mandy always know that Travis will always own a piece of my heart and he will forever be in my prayers. It may seem that yall are alone on this journey, but remember we are journeying along. along. Travis is our MIRACLE IN MOTION!! WE ARE HERE, WE ARE PRAYING, WE ARE UPLIFTING and most importantly WE ARE CELEBRATING TRAVIS!!!

Your friend and Travis BIGGEST CHEERLEADERS ever.....Snekcip