Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Eve Night at HOME!

We made it home from our trip
to find a light snow fall at home!!!
Baby, it was so cold that the kids didn't
even care to get back in the snow!I just have to show Hadlee in her hat that
my first college roommate (Alison) made her...
probably my favorite baby gift that Hadlee received.
AND also the precious scarf that a sweet friend
(Caroline) from my school made her two years ago.
Then treat of all treats,
God Mommy's packages for Hadlee
and Baby Boy Love had arrived.
(Walker's hadn't made it yet!)We LOVE us some God Mommy!
It was really nice to be home on
Christmas Eve with just our little family.
We ate pizza, warmed up and then
opened a few presents. The kids started
out with what they got each other...HA! Yes, they both got each other a
RED Light Saber!
(The night Haddie and I wrapped her brother's gift,
he walked in the room and she showed him the
present and she said, "It's not a red light saber!" ha!)Haddie was so happy to finally
have one of her own!
Insert Star Wars theme song here...Daddy gave Walker a
VERY SPECIAL gift that night...A Red Ryder BB gun just like
Daddy had when he was Walker's age...This was a proud moment for T-Daddy Love!
Don't worry...Troy will take every single
precaution in the world to teach Walker about
this BB gun and it will always be put up safely!I LOVE MY GOOD LOOKIN' MANLY BOYS!!!
I gave Hadlee a VERY SPECIAL
gift on Christmas Eve, too!The BABY BROTHER doll...
Good Lord willing, soon this won't be a doll baby!
The kids also opened one gift for Baby Love...How funny that it was the same outfit
that God Mommy had sent him earlier that night!!! Just has been a while!

Before bed that night, we were all sitting in the living room in front of the fire place and Hadlee and I were playing Memory. The wind made a noise in the chimney and Hadlee put her hands over her face in complete shock (it was ADORABLE!).

She and Walker both agreed it MUST have been Santa trying to come down the chimney, but he heard that we were still up (okay, so maybe I told them that!). Regardless, I've NEVER seen two kids gather up their things and head straight to bed as quick as they did! We read about Jesus's birthday and they were OUT!!!

(We won't even discuss Walker waking up from 1:30 to 2:30 IN THE MORNING begging to get up for the day!!!).


Rhonda said...

It's official - we somehow come from the same family: I am wearing the EXACT SAME Christmas nightshirt as you on Christmas Eve!!!! You will crack up laughing when you see my Christmas Eve post (although it isn't ready yet!)!!! I love all the special gifts for everyone! I bet those kids were READY for bed QUICK after they "heard" Santa!!!! We have a funny memory about my now 40 year old brother very similar to that from when he was a little boy - and we still talk about it every year! Savannah and my brother's boys know the story all too well! Just think - you will have a great story to share the rest of their life! So glad you were able to spend this special evening at home, with just your little family! Special memories, for sure!

Beth E. said...

That is so funny about hearing Santa...we had a similar experience when the boys were young. It's a hoot to watch them scramble to bed, isn't it?

Up at 1:30 a.m.??? Ouch...hope you got some more sleep after that! ;-)


Kimberly said...

That tricky God Mommy of yours!! Just know that I was sending you love and prayers from Oz. Chloe and I pray every night for Baby Love and she can now say "amen" at the end. So cute!

angie said...

The dual Red lightsabers are hilarious!! So funny. I think it is awesome that your sweet little family was at your home on Christmas Eve. Keep the Christmas Eve posts coming!

Alison H. said...

Awwww... so sweet of you to mention me in your blog! I can't believe the hat still fits her. I haven't made one in a year or so. My knitting has taken the back burner with me teaching and homeschooling too. She looks soo cute(as usual). We would love to see you sometime!!