Friday, June 19, 2009

Walker's Awesome Week at VBS

The third row in my car
looked like this on Monday morning...
with still one more little guy to pick up!!!
Walker had an AMAZING week at VBS!
There were almost 900 kids involved with 375
volunteers. AMAZING people, AMAZING church.
So we had to discuss that the cross he made
at VBS wasn't a weapon as you will
notice he is using it in the picture below!
Walker informed me that God is really powerful
so the cross is like a weapon. Excellent point!
The week also involved LOTS of fun play times with his buddies...including a sleep over!Thursday night was an AWESOME concert by the GO FISH guys. Have you heard of them? Awesome Christian music for kids. SO.MUCH.FUN. Haddie (and Daddy!) loved it!!!Walker and his buddy were pretty cool throughout the show...especially with the crazy head gear that Walker created with his laser light.I love these two guys so much...daddy & son who are the best of friends.
Such a fun concert!!!

I love my little superstar!

VBS is such a special time in a little person's life. I am so thankful that Walker was able to experience this again. I was in third grade at Vacation Bible School when I accepted Christ into my heart and then was baptized soon after that. One of my dearest friends is a 64 year old man and the other day he recounted to me his fond memories many, many years ago at his VBS. You just never forget days like that.

Our church makes this week a HUGE and AMAZING week. I am so thankful for the wonderful people there and for all that Walker is learning!

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made."

Psalm 139:14


Amanda said...

He is one SMART cookie! I am lovin' the point he made about God and the Cross!!

Kimberly said...

I loved VBS so much too! How fun, Walker!!!

Rhonda said...

I totally agree - VBS is such a special week, and I have VBS memories from my own childhood that I will never forget. We attend a very large church and it's amazing to me all the hard work the volunteers put into this special week. I love all the pictures and I'm so glad Walker had such a FUN and special week with friends.

angie said...

It was such a fun week!! Each day was just full of FUN. I am so glad he had such a great time praising the Lord!!

Beth E. said...

I loved VBS when I was little! Sounds like Walker (and everyone else) had a blast!