Friday, March 20, 2009

To the Rescue...

I love Walker's imagination!
I am kickin' back watching him and Hadlee play
the other day when I hear him yell to Hadlee,
"Out of the house. It's a fire."
Check out my little fireman...
this was serious business to him!!!
"Bubs" (her new name for Bubba)...
Are you going to save my house?!?"
Of course!!! "Look Mom, I saved the day!"My two favorite leprechauns on Tuesday...
Pretty Weather + Water Hose =
SO much FUUUUUN!!!
Add some dirt and it's even better!!!
We are having the most gorgeous, leave
your back door open, let the kids run wild,
enjoy every moment kind of weather!!!
Wanna come play with us?!?
We'd love to have you!!!!!!!!!


Jennifer said...

YES! We'd love to come play! We'll be right over......

Seriously? Could they be any cuter???

Anonymous said...

We're gonna come "pay", k?!!! We wish our backyard was as "pay" friendly as yours is!! Oh, my, I just love the get down and dirty pictures of the kiddos. Nothing like a little dirt under those finger nails. The side ponytail is putting fuel on that fire! Chief Walker is saving the day AND puttin' out fires. It's gettin' hot in there.........:) How did H's dress fit? Can't wait to see it!!! When is her bday? By the way, your onesie was G-L-A-M orous!!!!

Amanda said...

How fun! We've been having the same kind of weather!! I love Walker's immagination too and oh man, seeing that Wiggles car brought back alot of baby memories with Mason. He had that car.. he was the biggest Wiggles fan. Had everything immaginable Wiggles. Anyway, they are just two of the cutest kids EV and I wish we were close enough to come play with ya guys.

angie said...

We'll be over soon! I love that Walker saved the day, that's a great story and the reason I love to blog to keep memories like that:-). I'm with you, this weather rocks!!

Faithful Froggers said...

Looks like you all are having so much fun! I just love spring - although our spring is much too short! It won't be long before we are sweating it out in the heat and humidity here in FL! :)


Beth E. said...

We finally got a little sunshine this weekend, but it has still been cool. I did get out today and (with Bill's help) fixed up a few big planters with fresh dirt and planted lettuce in them! It's not warm enough for flowers, yet. I'm so ready to play in the dirt, too! Tell Hadlee we can get dirty together! :o)

Walker and Hadlee seem so enjoy playing together. What a beautiful family you have!
