The only thing Troy told me to ask the teacher about was if Walker was a ladies man?!? I didn't get around to that question. Luckily tonight during bath though, Walker told me that he knew a girl named Ella in another class (Mrs. D's class). He had such a grin on his face when he told me, so I asked if Ella was his girlfriend. His response, "NOT YET." With these muscles, I don't think it will be too long...
The BAD...Miss Priss just had to remind me today that she is, very most definitely in fact, TWO years old. As we were leaving Marshalls today, she threw a rip, roaring, raging, screaming fit!!! WHY? Well, she wasn't quite ready to leave Marshalls...especially without the Dora backpack she had found in there!!! I didn't think I was going to be able to get her in the car seat she was so out of control! This is not like my Princess Pie!!! Of course my mother said that she must be getting sick (leave it to a grandmother!) and Troy told me that she's just spoiled rotten (hummmm...not AT ALL by Daddy!!!)!
I did not take any pictures during the tirade, nor did I want to take any. I know that most of you have heard me mention the following, but I'm not sure if I've ever shown you the proof...but here, my friends you have "it" (and believe you me, I got "it" today). This one is not from today, but "it" basically doesn't change much.
All's good that ends well though!!! We finished off our day with lots of good playing! Nothing like some Legos with Bubba...
...and a round of Lucky Ducks with Mommy to make everything better!!!
Hope you had a great Monday!!!
You had me rolling! First, I am so proud of Walker Reed too. I know it is the best feeling in the world to hear wonderful news on your child. Walker is a WONDERFUL kid! I am pretty sure it has something to do with his parents:)
Then there is Miss Priss. Where did you say that backpack was? haha! RoRo may have to go find it. jk! She is so darn cute....even with the LOOK! Great post! Loved all the pictures.
Ps. The song is cracking me up! Thanks for the laughs. Missed you guys today:)
I am soo glad to hear that that beautiful princess of yours has 2 year old moments too! I was begining to think that I should nominate you for the "Mommy of the Year Award!" LOL, just teasing! In all seriousness is that not the MOST embarassing thing! Once Landon threw a HUGE fit in the middle of Lowe's becuase we wouldn't let him walk through the store! He was barely 16 months. Travis picked him up and we made a beeline for the exit as Landon kicked and screamed the whole way to the car. We could barely get him into the carseat! UGH, worst tantrum ever from my boy...and I will NOT ever forget it! It's funny now though (:
I am so glad that Walker is having such a great year, love the muscles picture! And the LOOK, oh man that is priceless:)
Hey Mindy,
Send me one or two color ideas and I will make you a tutu for Hadlee (: It will be a present from your blogger buddy in CA! It can be one or as many colors as you like. So give me a few different choices and I'll throw one together!
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