Just some fave pics from the week (I'll get back to FFF soon!). Do the little things in life make you happy?!? Check out Princess Pie with her new Dora beach towel ~ she was soooooooooo excited over this...
Sports Illustrated Here She Comes...
Walker + Kate = Love
Today was the last day of VBS...he had a great time. We don't get many details out of Walker when we ask (like what did you learn today, who was there, etc). But we ALWAYS on Walker's time find out things. For instance, the other night he was getting out of the bath tub and he said in a most excited tone, "MOM, did you know that Jesus could walk on water?...And he didn't have inflatable sandals either."
Gotta love this little fish...
Have a great weekend!!!
Lovin on these two!!!
Haddie and her cute bikini:) Little hottie! Troy look out!
Luke had the best time with his favorite friend at VBS! Walker means the world to the Reeds.
Love you guys!
You are just so darn sweet! Thank you. :D
I LOVE how Hadlee always has her bow in her hair. You sure are a lucky mama to have the best of both worlds with a boy and a girl! Your pictures are adorable as always.
Have a great weekend!!
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