Thursday, May 29, 2014

A Nap, Yeah Right!!! ;)

One Sunday afternoon, I was determined
to have a nap in my bed...all by myself.
Just as I drifted off, this is what I awoke to:
My boy and his drill.
That still has batteries that WORK.
Luckily I laughed:)
How could I resist this little guy?!?

1 comment:

snekcip said...

That's boys for you. My 19month old granddaughter drew ALL over my son's face while he was asleep!! WHO SLEEPS THAT HARD!! His wife took a picture of her "in progress" and I almost fell off my chair laughing. She applied purple "lipstick, eyeshadow and cute twirly things on his earlobes!!" His face when he woke up was PRICELESS!!! (granted he works nights and sleeps like a log but COME ON!!) Who sleeps through a makeover of that magnitude!!! KIDS!! GOT A LOVE 'EM!!