Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Hudson's Baylor Basketball Field Trip

Bus Ride to BAYLOR!!!!!!!!
Two Aggies and a Baylor Bear ;)
Giving a gig 'em while everyone
else does a sic 'em bears!!!
Next we went to the gym to meet 
up with the players and Hudson runs
into THIS basketball turned football player!!!
We couldn't resist a pic with Grandmother!
Grandmother just had to go and talk
to this coach;)))
Grandmother loves this day!!!
She also came with Hadlee on this field trip:)
Huds was a little entertainer!!!!!!!!!!
Flashback to Walker's year...when he
was the ONLY one who didn't put on 
the Baylor shirt that they gave out!!!;)
Hey Coach Kim!!!!!!!!!
The boys with Coach Drew Scott;)