Thursday, December 19, 2013

Johnny ManzELF and More

"Johnny ManzELF" is alive and well in 
the Pierce house!  He's alllll over the place,
but I especially like how he favors the 
Baby Jesus so much!  We often find him
in the different manger scenes around our house.
Johnny ManzELF knows the reason for the season!:)
I LOVE love LOVE getting Christmas cards!
Hadlee and I can't wait to check the mail 
everyday.  I display them in many different 
spots just so I can see them all the time!!!
There are just so many, many special and
beautiful people in our lives!
This is the manger scene that Linda
painted and gave me.  It's my favorite
EVER.  I love it so much and I can't
wait to get it out every December.
Hadlee arranged it for me and 
I love how she did it...
this makes my heart so happy. 
This is my favorite mother
gave it to me a couple of years ago. 
 It's such a treasure!
Next to it are Hadlee's little 
second grade hand prints:)
I also have Walker and Hudson's
hand print trees on burlap displayed
in the house!  Our house
being decorated for Christmas 
is so comforting and fun! 
God bless this little guy...he has to 
do quite a bit of shopping with mommy!
The other day we were in Justice
and he HAD to go potty.  
The girls working were kind enough
to let him go but look what he found
in the restroom!  These things 
REALLY did startle him when we
walked in there!!!  FuNny!!!
Grandmother bought the kids
this Christmas ukulele...and
Hudson LOVES it!!!
He cracks us up playing it all the time!
These guys and their "SIX PACKS"!!!!!!
Sweet girl and I have to stick together!!!
T-dawg and I took off one day and 
had a "date day"!!!  Even though 
we were shopping ... we stopped
for a fun lunch and had such a 
wonderful day together.
I love my man!!!

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