Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The King Penguin AND Awards Day

Walker had an extra credit project
due over an arctic animal.
When I first heard about the assignment,
I told Walker we should sit this one out
(knowing that it was due right after I had the baby).
He would have NO part of that!!!
"Mom, it's for two extra
100's in science!!!"
Walker was assigned the King Penguin.
He had a list of things he had to research about
his animal, write a report, and
present it to the class.
Can you EVEN believe they do this in first
grade now?!? WOW! I remember my
first report was in the fourth grade not first...
over the Dingo!!!
It wasn't nearly as good as Walker's!
Walker was REALLY into this project
and had definite ideas of his own on how
he wanted his poster to look and
what he wanted his report to say!The day before I had Hudson, we were
in the Hallmark shop looking at Webkinz.
Walker stumbled upon this special edition
Webkinz...of the KING PENGUIN!!!
He had to have it for his presentation
(even if it was 25 bucks!!!)...
Walker and I worked on the report together.
Then he and Troy chose the
pictures for the poster and printed them out.
Walker cut the pictures
out himself and glued them to the black paper.
He decided what to write by each picture...
including the line in the middle of the poster:
"King Penguins are Cool."It was VERY important to Walker for Hudson
to be in this picture with him. He told his
baby brother that he could totally use
his poster and report if he gets the
King Penguin when he's in first grade!!!I just can't express to you what an
AMAZING big brother Walker is. It's unreal!Ready for presentation day!
He said his presentation went well and that
he thought his was the best one!!! ha ha!

This wasn't the only excitement from last week...
on Thursday Walker hopped into the car
after school with the biggest grin on his face.
"I got all three awards!"
I didn't even know they were giving
out awards that day..............
but Walker did indeed get three!!!

The P.E. Award
The Art Award
The Music AwardWOW WALKER!!!
Mom and Dad are SO, SO PROUD of you!
We will take these awards and your drive to
do well on school projects ANYDAY.
We truly couldn't be more proud of you.
But honestly, we are the very most
proud of your kindness to others...
especially to your new baby brother.
You are melting our hearts with your
interest in him and your love for him.
Hudson's a lucky little guy to have you! Walker...we love you so, so much!!!


Brandi said...

What an awesome boy you have! Love the adorable drawing of the King cute! So sweet how Walker wanted his baby bro in the picture. His love will continue!! Nate is soooo in love with Ty; melts my heart all the time. How in the world do you have time to blog and take care of a rock!!!

Rhonda said...

Hudson IS so lucky to have the BEST big brother EVER! Walker's special love for Hudson is evident in the pictures - SO sweet! Walker seems like such a big guy holding Hudson all by himself!

I absolutely LOVE Walker's poster and project! Well, of course, his was the BEST! And the special Webkinz to go along with it - wow, that was icing on the cake for the project! I'm with you - I love having a child that is so "into" everything and must participate in everything!

I know you and Troy are so proud of Walker!! Three awards - wow!!!

melanie, aka Mo said...

Awwww, man! I had some great Sea World pics I could have sent you!! Mel

Shannon said...

What a stud! Love the penguin Webkinz! Of course he needed that for his project! I love it!

Karen At Home Blog said...

Oh Mindy, his kindness is melting my heart! He is so sweet to his baby brother!


KKGrimmer said...

Walker ROCKS!!! Mindy, you are blessed with some AWESOME kids!

angie said...

Way to go Walker! He did a fantastic job on his report too! I just love seeing him and baby brother together. I cannot believe W-man was ever that tiny:-).

Beth E. said...

Congratulations, Walker! You have worked very hard in school. All that hard work paid off, didn't it?!

I know your mom and dad are very proud of you. Not just for the awards you win, but for the kind and loving person you are. :-)

I hear that you are a wonderful big brother to Hadlee and Hudson. That's awesome! Your mom has also told me what a big helper you are for her and your dad. Even though you and I have never met, guess what? I'm proud of you, too!

Keep on being the great student, son, and brother that you already are. I have no doubt that you will accomplish great things in your life!
