Saturday, May 21, 2011

Texas Neuro Part III

Oh the Texas Neuro days...
where our superman finally woke up
after being in a coma for three and a half
LONG, very LOOOONG months! 
It really wasn't too long after that the
therapists had Travis up and trying
to re-learn to walk.  Bless his heart,
he couldn't even hold his head up yet.
But man OH man,
An absolute & total & complete
miracle from the GOOD LORD
up ABOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We love our Travis so, so much!!!
Trav's dad, Scott (who is still
 like a brother to me),
got married at Texas Neuro so Travis 
could be a part of the special day.
It was a SUPERMAN themed wedding of course! 
The beautiful bride and groom...
Dana & Scott!
Scott's entire family and much of ours came
for the special day!  :)
..........I LOVE THIS PICTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.........
Trav's aunts and uncles on the Bigham side...
The Bighams
The Grandmothers...
Sweet, beautiful Alyssa:)
Garrett!  We love the miracle of Garrett!!!
Isn't it amazing how awesome Travis looked?
I love this beautiful family, too!:)
This was a weekend when Hadlee, Hudson and I
made the trip to Austin by ourselves to stay
with Travis while Lynna and Scott were both
gone.  I just happened to look back and
see my SUPER babies sleeping like this......
actually a very common occurrence but it still
gets me every single time.
I was so excited to have this handsome
boy ALL to myself!;)
We set him up to watch Marmaduke with us!
And Kelli G came by for a visit since she
and the VERY newborn babies
happened to be in Austin for a quick trip. 
She & Travis have always had a cute
relationship...I even have proof of it
on my wedding video when
they were dancing together like crazy fools!  ;)))
Kelli has been so incredible during this journey.
Still to this day, she cries with me almost on a
weekly basis.  She just "gets" it and she knows
my family (and me) so well.  She has such a
compassionate heart and she truly hurts for us. 
It's unbelievable how far our boy has come!
Thank you, Sweet Jesus...again and again
and AGAIN!  You ARE mighty to heal!!!
The way Travis has responded to my babies
has been remarkable.  It's like from very early on
he wanted them to understand he was okay. 
My cup runneth over..............


Kimberly said...

Absolute sweetness...And how much did I love Travis' FB message to you today? INCREDIBLE!
Kelli G looks A-MA-ZING!

Beth E. said...

I am sitting here crying right along with you, Mindy...tears of JOY over the miracles Travis has already had, tears of sadness for everything he and your family are going through, and tears of longing for the complete healing and restoration of your sweet nephew.

God is doing a mighty work in Travis. What a witness to God's healing power! Your family is amazing. Praying for each and every one of you!