Friday, October 17, 2008

Homecoming 2008

LAST Friday night was Homecoming at MHS
(the high school I attended and where I currently teach three classes in the morning).
Speaking of my classes, here I am getting ready for the
Pep Rally courtesy of one of my sweet girls...

As you can tell it was SPIRIT day and we were having FUN
(we tend to do a lot of that in my tricks them into actually learning!)!!!

I hate to brag, but I have the best students!!!

Some will end up being my friends for life...

Like many things, Homecoming has VERY special memories for me. I have an Aunt whom I have mentioned before on this blog. She is my dad's sister & her name is Aunt Kitty! She has and always will be so very special to me. This aunt and uncle have been my #1 fans through anything and everything! I am the daughter she never had...and I love being that to her! Love it! Not only has Aunt Kitty spoiled me completely and totally rotten my entire life; but moreso, she has loved me unconditionally. Starting back in 1978 when I was three, Aunt Kitty bought me a mum for Homecoming! This was SUCH a treat...I can remember being very young and being SO excited for the white box with the mum in it to arrive on Homecoming Day. We would then keep it in the fridge until time to wear it & I can vividly remember going to the fridge just to peak at it until time to go! Sweet, special memories. Aunt Kitty told me that she would buy me a mum until a boy would. She certainly did all the way until seventh grade
when I had my first homecoming date!

But speaking of 1978, here I am...

Fast forward to 1992 when I was a nominee for Homecoming Queen at MHS with three of my very best friends (We didn't win though! ha! The fifth and sweetest nominee did!).

Here you'll see my precious niece Macy wearing HER mum at age two AND Travis my nephew with his boutenir at age three! Have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE being an Aunt?!?

Can't resist sharing this pic with the best escort ever ~ my Dad!!! (and how about those flats & black hose?!?)!!!

All of this brings me to 2008 & this year's Homecoming. As I already told you, I was so excited about this:

Walker picks up the mum and says to me, "You really think Haddie is going to wear this?!?" Boy, was Bubba right ON!!!

This is as close as I could get her to the precious mum...

Oh, but mommy, "Dorda wear it!"...
See if she gets Homecoming Queen!!! OH wait, she's definitely already the QUEEN around here!!!

How cute was this mum?!?

As if Haddie's refusal wasn't enough, Walker informs me that he DOES NOT wear flowers!!!
He's so dang cute, I let him get away with it, too!!!

Mum-less, Garter-less, Mommy with tears (not really!) and Daddy laughing...we make it to the stadium!!!

All of the sudden, Big Man on Campus decides to wear his garter...
Perhaps it was the cute little cheerleader he hooked up with who convinced him to wear it...

Daddy was merely suggesting to Hadlee that she wear the pretty mum...

Lucky day for us, Miss Macy was there for her homecoming return to MHS!!!

I love this beautiful girl so much!!!
Mommy eventually gave up on the mum & just let sweet girl cheer her little heart out...

Such a fun night!

May all of your Homecomings be Happy!!!


melanie, aka Mo said...

I didnt' see those pumpkin crocs at our wal mart. Boo hoo, cause they are awesome! Anyone ever say you look like Jennifer Connely? Especially in the older pic of you on court! Hope your weekend is a good one. Melanie

Amanda said...

You guys are just so much fun and I love that you make each of your children feel special and include them in everything. What fun pictures!

Blessings from the Reeds said...

Hello from Canada! I couldn't go that long without getting an update from my fave family. LOVED the pictures. You are the BEST mom! I mean that:) Haddie and Walker are precious kids. Hope you guys are doing well in Texas.I have so much to tell you. ha! Having fun:) Missing you! Wish you were here. Talk to you soon!Love from Toronto 'eh!

God's Girl said...

Great pictures! Looks like a great time!

angie said...

OK that picture of you with your little mum is PRICELESS!! And of course the black flats are breathtaking:) I swear that I wore the exact same shoes...why was that ever OK??? So neat the your kids get to experience MHS in all its glory!!