Friday, December 18, 2015

VBS 2015

I cherish this week every summer.
It's just such a precious time in our church ... 
...and I love that my little
ones are experiencing it!
VBS is also a fun time for
friends to come home with you afterwards:)
Ann Marie, Betsy Grace, Hadlee McCall
That afternoon these three girls melted
my heart when they told me they were
going to have a Duct Tape bag sale...
to raise money for Missions at VBS!!!
They were able to explain to me all 
about the missions and where our
church would be sending the money.
We went around the neighborhood
to my sweet friends and they were 
all so kind and generous...especially
the Saxons!  They loved this:)
This just really fills my heart with joy.
Three precious little nine year olds
with hearts for serving the Lord.  
May this continue forever!!!!
So fun getting donations!!!
Hadlee and Hudson went back out
that evening to hit up some neighbors
who weren't home earlier.
Missions is hard work sometimes;)
But so worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tremendously blessed by this week!!!
Blessed by so many sweet
friends and helpers:)
Couldn't have a better Big Sis!
What an incredible week...
I love our church so much
and I love that my children love it, too!

1 comment:

snekcip said...

Summer is even more memorable with VBS!! Our kids here LOVE VBS!!! Thanks for sharing and MERRY CHRISTMAS to your BEAUTIFUL FAMILY Mindy!!