Saturday, February 4, 2012

Sweetest Prayers Ever

I have two precious little boys who
LOVE to say their nightly prayers.
It is quite possibly the sweetest
times I've ever known in my life.
I also have a sweet praying little girl, too.
She just happened to be in her
bed already asleep this particular night.
When we all lay down together
at night, Walker is always quick
to remind me...
"PRAY.  Pray, Mommy, Pray"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Speaking of this particular night,
I had layed down in the bed
with them and kinda had my back to Hudson
(most nights we lay with them and then
move whomever to their correct bed!). 
I felt a little nudge on my arm and
I looked over to see this sweet, little
boy with his hands clasped
together.  He may not can say
"pray" yet...but he most certainly let me
know that it was time to pray. 

I thanked Jesus right there and then
for this little blue eyed angel in my life.
When we pray, we always start
off by thanking God by name for our family
members.  Hudson repeats "mama"
over and over again during the prayer.

Then when I hear their little
amen's at the end....ahhhhhhh...
just melts my heart into a puddle.
(Even though Daddy & Walker say
"TAMANA" for amen because that's
how it sounded when Walker's little prayer
bear said it when he was itty bitty.) 
There just couldn't be a more
precious time during my day
than these few moments when we pray.
I don't think it a coincidence that
this just happened to be the night
before Travis had a very important
swallow study test.  Two  
little kindred spirits.  :)

Lord, please instill in my children a
soul with a craving for You,
a heart that clings passionately to You.
(Psalm 63:8)