Sunday, January 20, 2013

Christmas Aftermath :)

I love the days after Christmas...
we usually stay home and just play:)
I love our home and we
love being home. 
Especially with lots of new toys;)
Haddie in her outfit from Aunt Lynna
playing with her new Barbie &
bike from Aunt Michelle:)
Not happy being the new American Girl;)
Mom, let's open these new Barbie things next?!?
Walker Planking;)
Sweet Hunter B took his own work
money and bought the kids Toys R Us
gift cards.  I thought that was just too sweet!!!
They were so pumped to go spend
their money!!!  I love me some Hunter B:)
 I love looking out my window and seeing
my kids playing with their friends....
American Girl Party!!!!!!
Even with Hudson;)
Too cute!!!  Shirt might be
too true though sometimes ;)))
My sweet baby love had the stomach
virus over the holidays:(
Broke this mama's heart...
even though he was such a trooper!!!
 Love every minute spent with this Crazy Guy:)
As soon as Huds was over being sick,
I decided to tackle potty training. 
I have not pushed it with any of my
kids...and it's been pretty easy with all
three.  Hudson basically took
two days!!!!!!  He was so easy....
and thought he was such big stuff!!!!!
(He is still asking for a pull-up
to poop...we will get that next!)
Except he insists on wearing his
undies backwards so he can look
down and see Spiderman!!!
SO proud of this almost THREE
year old little love of mine:)
The latest, greatest iPad Prop!!!
Works great until the Little Brother
moves or wakes up!!!!!!!!
Ready for the Cottonbowl
and some Johnny Football!!!!
Due to illnesses, we kept having to
postpone our Christmas with the Barkleys:(
but we were finally all well enough...
I absolutely love these two
precious little angel babies!!!!!!!! 
 And their big sister. 
AND of course their mommy, too!!!
Absolute best of friends(:
Precious pie making some last
 minute wishes for 2013........
Wishes come true or not...
We are blessed beyond measure.
"I know what it is to be in need,
and I know what it is to have plenty.
I have learned the secret of being
content in any and every situation,
whether well fed or hungry,
whether living in plenty or in want."
Philippians 4:12

1 comment:

Beth E. said...

Okay, I totally cracked up over Walker planking! That's probably the only way I could plank, too! Lotsss of support needed! LOL!

As usual, your pictures always make me smile. What a blessing your family is to me...I just wish we lived closer to one another. :/

Love you...