Monday, July 29, 2013

June 2013

To me, summer is allll about three things...
Walker, Hadlee & Hudson :
They float my boat!!!
Notice who is going underwater
AND swimming now!  Our sweet little
friend Haley took an afternoon and
taught Haddie how to swim!
Obviously THIS guy loves summer quite a bit!!!
Doing the Superman at a party
at the Goodnights!!!!
Having fun at Ridgewood with the Millers(:
Play dates with Sweet Kimi sometimes
include taking Big Brother to camp!
AND playing American Girl dolls
(some are Next Generation!)
Love these besties!!!
A trip to the Library is always a good idea:)
Hadlee LOVES to go to the library. 
Hudson?  Well, he has trouble behaving there;)
 Just kidding!
June involved LOTS of trips
to Hawaiian Falls!!!!!!!!!!
Shark Boy (:
Peyton, Walker, Matthew
Hadlee has turned into a fish!!!
Sassy Girl!!!!!!!!  Oh she's so sassy
in a cute, silly way!!!!!!!
 Swimming at the Moores
With lots of sweet friends :)
Probably Hadlee's favorite person these days...
This kid LOVES to build with Legos!
Do I have two more engineers in my life?!?
Playing with Jonah!!!
They are two peas in a pod!
Mommy's Play Mate (:
Sweet Boy with the heart he made at church!
He's wearing one of my favorite
shirts of Walker's!!!   
I just love it when he can wear
Walker's old clothes!
Brings back my Little Walker memories (:
Hawaiian Falls...this time with Daddy!!!
Walker & Kullen!!!!!!!
What am I going to do with this little girl?!?
Cutie Pie Kanon
So Walker said let me take a pic
of you and Hudson (should have known
right then!)...and he keeps taking pictures,
saying how good they are!!!!!!!!!
THAT BOY!!!!!!!
There were several more...
most with me in very awkward poses!!!
OR with Hudson playing right along
unbeknownst to me!!!!!!!!!!!
Gotta love my boys!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday, Kullen!!!
 Builder Extraordinaire!!!!!!
He's so cute!!!!!!!
Daddy had to be gone for work
for TWO weeks in June :(
I love me some T-Dawg!
Huddy and his (Hadlee) Sock Love;)
But most of all, when I think of June,
I think of Walker getting up every morning
excited and ready to roll for three
different sports camps.  The boy is
determined!!!  And always ready for fun, too!!! 

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