Monday, August 18, 2014


Oh, how I adore this little boy. 
Absolutely, wholeheartedly love
him with every bit of my heart and soul.
He is just some kind of wonderful:)
The other day we were standing in line
at Kohls.  All of the sudden he looks up
at me and says, "Will you marry me?
I have a ring for you at home."
As I bent down to love on him
(and tell him YeS!), the ladies behind
me allllllllllll melted.
One lady said, "I have the chills!!!"
It was too cute.
I texted Troy that a guy
had asked me to marry him in
line at a store and he immediately
texted back:  "Hudson"!!!!!!!!!
He's my little sidekick...
this particular day he got 'tatted' up on his arm;)
then he helped me bake Uncle Ron a cake. 
He's tough, yet sensitive;)
He calls Hadlee his "cute little apple"
and he tackles Bubba like he's
been playing football for years;)
He loves Walker and Hadlee so much...
and the feelings are MoRE than mutual. 
Somehow we've done one thing right:
our kids absolutely adore each other.
He heard us laughing over my mother's
use of "LOL" so much in her new
texting adventures, and he started to say it.
One day he was pretending to text me
and as he was typing, instead of LOL,
he said, "LMNOP"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

snekcip said...

He is TOO CUTE!! He is so much his "Bubba's twin"! The "marriage proposal" was too precious!! Share with us pics THE RING!!! :)

Your kids truly love each other, and its evident in the pictures that you post here.

PS I guess I'm part ROBOT because I can't seem to type in this "character verification" at all this morning!!