Johnny ManzELF on the morning of Christmas...
Thankful he was there to remind us
the REAL reason for the season!!!
EVeRY single year I say I'm not letting
my kids get a bunch of "stuff" for Christmas...
but then it happens!!! This year I was especially
sensitive to so many who don't have much ...
some really nothing:( but that didn't mean
I was going to take away from my own kids.
I was always spoiled...and I guess that's what
I'm doing with my little loves.
Notice I don't say spoiled ROTTEN for
myself as a child or for my kids...
Spoiled SWEET:)
Santa & Mrs. Claus had fun:)))
Walker's looked like the least but it
certainly was NOT!!! ;)
Love that sweet girl asked for teacher stuff:)
"Football tuff"...that's what Hudson asked for!
Tradition has it that on Christmas
night everyone sleeps in mommy
and daddy's room...two of them
forgot about the pallet deal though;)
Makes me cry how blessed I am ~
Even McKenna;)
Christmas Morning!!!
HA! Blurry...Huds was FAST!;)
First thing Hudson picked up was the
"BLUE #5 Midway Jersey he asked for!
Kickin' back! Gamer!!!
Sleepy Precious Pie taking it all in!
A #5 Aggie Jersey!!!!!!!!!!
He loves #5!!! Have no idea why?!?
BACON duct tape!!!!!!!!!!!!
Video games and guns?!?
I never would have dreamed I would
I never would have dreamed I would
allow these! haaaaaaaaaaa!
An air soft gun is FuN?!?
Every single time we asked Hudson
what he wanted for Christmas he would
always say, "football tuff, a wallet
and a blue Spiderman"
and a blue Spiderman"
So proud of his wallet...
Safety first with that air soft gun!
Happy Boys
Happy Girl
Haddie this year ~
American Girl volley ball outfit AND a volley ball
and of course the main thing she requested:
the American Girl Snack Cart!!!
Checking out Johnny ManzELF's message!
Happy Birthday, Jesus!!!
We know that's why we celebrate:)
We know that's why we celebrate:)
Big boys playing...
Aggie football "tuff"...
Safety first for all of us...
She just had to try it out;)
Still taking it all in!!!!!!!!!!!
Huddy Football;)
Ready to get "PUMPED UP" like
the Midway players do!!!
Mama loves this!!!
Really, Dude?
Hudson trying on new clothes;)
Volleyball?!? I think just because
Haley plays volleyball;)
X-Box, X-Box, X-Box
Family Presents...
Daddy was talking to PaPa on the phone...
Merry Christmas from US!
Matching Nerf Guns!!!!!!!!!
Time to learn to make these bracelets!!!!!!!!!!
We took turns opening our gifts from each other:)
Just might be my best gift EVER...
an electric throw!!! I am always cold, always!
Maybe I won't sleep with a heating pad anymore;)
Funny photo capture:)
My handsome man in his new coat!
American Girl American Girl American Girl
Walker thrilled over his gift
being in a JUSTICE box!;)
Pure LOVE & JOY ~
His very own knife for the deer lease! baby boy is getting too grown up!!!
In response to our fave shirt of Jonah's...
"You Mad, Bro?"
Guess who got an Aggie hoodie like Bubba's!?!
Love my Aggies:)
A sweet morning with my family...
can't believe these four are mine:)
Thank you, Sweet Jesus!!!!!!
The Aftermath!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A football player or a Teenage
Mutant Ninja Turtle?!?
God love this little boy's sweet heart...
he melts mine:)
Fun new head phones!
Really Dude?
Power Ranger Mega Sword!!!!!!!!!
Miss Pierce:)
Haddie asked me that morning if Macy
likes bacon and I said yes...
she wanted to make her another duct tape bag!!!
Loving Christmas!!!!!!!!!!
And getting so big!
11, 7, 3
Peace, Love, Joy
This is how they really felt
about more pictures;(
I just couldn't be more thankful...
For this big guy, too!:)
Where's the Mistle Toe?!?
UH OH!!!
The kids just might have seen
Mommy kissing Santa Claus!!!!!!!!!
Pierce Party of Five
~ Christmas Day 2013 ~

1 comment:
Looks like a wonderful Christmas for the Pierce Party of Five! I love all of the pictures you share on here. What a blessing your family is to me! :-)
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