Sunday, January 12, 2014

Back in the Groove!!!

SaY WHaT?!?
We have to go back to school!!!!!!!!!
Painting with a Huddy Twist!!!
The other day we were driving home
from school and we were playing "i Spy"
Here's how it went down on Hudson's turn:
"I 'py somepen' orange."
We guess and guess and finally give up.  
"It was an orange football player."
Where did you see that???
Walker and Hudson both got new Nerf
guns for Christmas.  A few days after,
Troy went and bought HIMSELF a 
high powered one.  This is literally
the scene at our house every.single.night.
NeRF WaRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm usually under my heated throw though...
Or looking for a Snuggle partner!!!
Precious girls back at DaNCE...
Selfies are still cool in 2014
for my Haddie Girl...
and her Angelina lips;)
Hudson was happy to be back
playing with Baby Beau...
I think he will always be Baby Beau to Huds!
I was happy to see my students, too...
I have such awesome ones this year.
Even when they do things like this!  ;)
We have done great getting back
in the groove of things!!!
Feeling more thankful than
ever in 2014!!!!!!!!!

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