Friday, October 18, 2013

Little Treasures

I have a drawer where I gather the kids'
school work and other keepsakes...
when the piles in the drawer get high,
then I put the "keepers" in the kid's
tubs.  They each have a tub...
Walker's is almost full!
Sometimes I'll find a random stack of
papers that didn't make it into the drawer.
I came upon these the other day and they
made me smile so big.
First were these two things that Hadlee
had made for Matthew and Peyton,
Walker's cute!!!
Peyton is much cuter than Hadlee depicted him though;)
 Then I found this that Walker had written
at the beginning of his 4th grade year
about  him and Jonah!  Great friends!!!
 But my favorite that I found was this note
and song that Hadlee had written to Hudson!!!

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