Lots of time at the ball fields...
which are MuCH more fun with our sweet
friend, Haley! My kids ADORE her
and vice versa!!! ❤
Duck Dynasty Day at Midway
(I had on camo flats!)!!!
I LoVE my Junior Girls:)
This mama has had a rough ten or so
days fighting off a mean staph infection.
Three horrible doctor visits and LoTS of
antibiotics later, I am better:) but it hasn't
been pretty or easy! When mama ain't
feelin' good, ain't nobody feelin' good! ;)
This guy is THE sweetest...he lays with me
and cuddles or plays "mine craft" on the iPad
or watches his shows. Such a sweet, sweet boy:)
My blonde, blue eyed baby boy
always asks me,
"Mommy, you bettewr now?"
He LoVES his mama...❤
but not as much as his mama loves him!

What a blessing that my little love
also has this most special woman to love
him and care for him. He loves his Janice!!!
What a blessing that my little love
also has this most special woman to love
him and care for him. He loves his Janice!!!
So thankful for dear friends like Jennifer
who send me pics of my girl at school
to brighten my day!!!!!!!!!!!
This guy loves cruising in his
Batmobile the Reeds left him!
I just like cruising in anything with him!
The worst part of our week was that my dad
had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance
with chest pains:( THaNKFuLLY (well, kinda)...
come to find out he has shingles...which
are awful, but better than something with his heart.
But look what happens when one of us
ends up in the ER!!! Forget the two
to a room rule with our family;)
Speaking of my sweet Dad, my mother asked
me to download the pictures off of her camera
and look what I found! How cute of her to be
taking my Dad's picture out by their beautiful flowers!:)
On August 30th, they celebrated 55 years of marriage!
I love their gorgeous flowers on the side of their house
and I love them so much. Best parents in the world!!!
We celebrated Baby Beau's first birthday at his party!!!
Hudson had so much fun!!!
I can't believe I didn't get a picture
of the precious birthday boy though:(
Walker also went to his first girl/boy party!;)
Other than little elementary parties.
He was so funny because he made me
make sure that he wasn't going to be the
only boy there! ha!;) Some day he will wish for that!
Sweet Tori's Party ~
CuTeST little Cowgirl EVER
after Western Day at school!
"We praise you, Lord God!
You treat us with kindness day after day,
and you rescue us."
Psalm 68:19
1 comment:
Hi Mindy,
I love seeing your happy family in action. I am a big fan of the photos where you get down to the kids' level. Makes them look a little more special. Cheers, Jeffrey
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