Thursday, September 29, 2011

"A LOT" to say about that Weekend;)

We love to welcome Travis home A LOT!
(No matter how late at night it is!)
 Troy helps Travis and Lynna A LOT...
He helps with all of Trav's electronic stuff
(like his phone, his Dynavox, iPad, etc.).
He also helps Lynna get Travis inside,
go to the bathroom, and move him around.
Did I even mention that Troy mows
Lynna's yard and waters it, too?!?
 We laugh A LOT :)
 There is always A LOT going on...
 We take A LOT of pictures!
(We know all too well how priceless they are.)
 We pray together A LOT...
 I love these two guys A LOT!
Garrett always says the most perfect prayer over/for Travis.
 I love Travis and Troy's relationship A LOT.
They are so close :)
 We smile A LOT!
 We support Travis A LOT...
(No matter how early in the morning!)
 We act like Superman A LOT!
 We come together as a family
A LOT.............
 And we see if we can fit A LOT 
of family in the elevator..............
 Monday, August 5th was actually a
day we dreaded A LOT.
This was the day of the hearing against
Lynna's insurance company who has
stopped payment on Trav's stay at CNS.
The insurance company believes CNS costs
too much (it IS doubt about that...
$2800 a DAY, but this is typical for
a brain injury facility which in the US
ranges from $900 a day to $6000 a day).
The insurance company would rather
Travis be moved to a nursing home.
While we would LOVE to have him in Waco,
his rehabilitation would be OVER.
 This hearing was our final plea
to the insurance company to allow Travis
to stay at CNS and receive the therapy
and care he MUST have.
(This includes ALL types of brain injury therapy,
plus 24 hour nursing care and someone with
him AT ALL TIMES ~ which he must have).
We worry A LOT about what will happen
and where Travis will go next.
When we all walked in, they tried to tell us
that we would have to limit the number of
people in the room for the hearing. 
That was A LOT funny!
Needless to say, we all went in
 to support our Superman!!!
(My dad didn't wear his shirt because
he had a tape recorder in his front pocket!
HA HA!  My funny dad!)
 Did I mention that we have fun A LOT?
(We couldn't make it if we didn't!)
Most of all, we just love A LOT.
 Aunt Michelle and I fight over our 
first born nephew A LOT
 Wendell does A LOT for
 Lynna, Travis and Hunter.
He has been absolutely incredible to us all.
 Scott brought up some excellent points during
the hearing.  He cares for his son A LOT.
 Logan has grown A LOT (physically
and emotionally) since this all began. 
 Lynna did an AMAZING job at the hearing.
She read about three pages (that I wrote!  ha!)
stating her case and pleading with
the insurance to let her son stay at CNS.
  Lynna is strong A LOT...
especially for these two handsome boys.
 We try to be bold A LOT!!!
On Friday of that week, Lynna received a
letter that the insurance was once again denying
coverage for Travis at CNS.  She came directly
over and we cried over the letter...
then a peace came over her and all of us.
God hasn't let us down yet.

CNS has not received payment from
the insurance company since MARCH.
CNS believes so strongly in TRAVIS
and in the fact that the insurance company is
doing us wrong that they have allowed
him to stay.  They are continuing to battle
the insurance company.  We take each
day that Travis is still at CNS as
 a gift from God. 
We thank Jesus A LOT.


Beth E. said...

Your family inspires me...A LOT. I want you to know that I love all of you...A LOT! ;-)

Your sistah,

Blessings from the Reeds said...

Wow, even though I knew all of this it still takes my breath away reading it. God is AMAZING! and no doubt He isn't finished!!! Still LOVE the picture of Trav and his other brother from another mother praying over!

Love you, friend!

Kimberly said...

I know the insurance thing is such a nightmare. CANNOT imagine. I am in awe that your family handles it with such grace and humor. PS Travis's smile is so stunning these days!