***Still trying to catch up on my blog...
Hudson is ten months old now and has changed so much!
Thank you for praying for Travis!
Six months was a FUN age...
especially for the Hudsy Puds! :)
LOVE. pure and simple.
At Hudson's six month check up he
weighed 19 pounds (75th percentile) and
he was 28 1/2 inches (90th percentile).
Dr. Graham was quite impressed with
his babbling...in fact, he didn't believe Troy
that Hudson says "DaDa" all the time.
Before Dr. Graham left the room,
Hudson was saying "DaDa" non-stop!!!
He also says mamamamama!
Walker & Hudson are the BEST of Buds STILL!
It's so sweet. I find Hudson in Walker's
room all the time!
I could sit and stare at this kid all day long.
His baby blue eyes are like the Heavens to me!
Hudson loves him some baby food!
All flavors pretty much!!! ;)
His little love muffin smile is about the
sweetest thing I've ever seen in my life.
Hudson LOVES to move about in his walker!
He can't wait to catch up
with big bro and big sis!!!
He loves bath time and thinks he is
BIG stuff sitting up in the tub!

Awww, what a big boy!!! So glad that your boys are the best of friends. I'm sure it melts your heart!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!
He's adorable, Mindy! I can't get over how much he looks like Walker! Saying "mama" and "dada" at 6 mos., too...what a smart little fella! I bet he talks up a storm these days. :-)
I remember when I took our oldest, Billy, to the doctor at 5 mos. I told the doc that Billy was saying "Mama" and "Dada". He kind of snorted and told me I had an "overactive imagination". I took such offense at what he said that I switched pediatricians!!! lol
Praying continuously for Travis and your family.
Love you!
oooh, Hudson is such an adorable little boy!
Still praying!
Love that you are posting and getting caught up on your blog!
I love me some Mindy bloggin! And I love me some Huddie! Just wish I got more of it during our short time together. Super cute pics (hardcopy) coming to you in December.
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