Saturday, November 13, 2010


Even when I have no idea he has had my camera!!!
All eight years (almost), 4 feet 8 inches,
shoe size 6 wearing & 70 pounds of him.
He is funny, kind-hearted, goofy,
serious, fun-loving, & crazy...
He thinks he is hilarious! ;)
He actually really is.
Sometimes he drives me crazy!
He is tough (usually!).
I can't imagine my life without him. He reminds me so very,
very much of Travis. :)


Beth E. said... the pics! 100% boy, through and through! What a character. lol

Shannon said...

Oh Man, do we miss you guys! We will be in town on Sunday afternoon. Can we get the boys together on Monday after Walker gets out of school? We are coming to pick up Sophie right near you, so we could swing by and get Walker if he wants to come play at Doc and Mimi's house. Landon doesn't care where they play, just as long as he gets to see his buddy!