Swimming with Dumb and Dumber!!!
HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!
Fun with the HAWKINS!!!
We decided it was time to pass
on Hadlee's beloved doll house!
It kinda hurt...but Troy wasn't going
for me saving it for the grandkids.
He said he will buy them all new everything;)
Thankfully sweet Brandy's precious
girls were excited to take it
so that made it much easier!!!
Ryan passed along this catcher's gear to Huds!
Sometimes this little girl takes
my breath away...
She has the aerial down
on the trampoline!!! :)
I love some alone time with her!
Except when Sister is making him
play "school"!!!!!!!
Lunch with Baby Mallon!!!!!!
She is sooooooooooo precious!!!
Teacher Girls❤
Jillian, Cara, Ally, Mallon, Hadlee
I had to have a turn, too!!!!❥
Swimming over at Mrs. Neuhaus's!
What a special treat!!!
Sleeping with Sister...
After MUCH debate (and a lot of begging
and pleading!), we let Hadlee
create her own Instagram!
The teacher girls were her first post:)
We ❤ Summer!!!!!!!!!!!
My Happy Place!!!!!!!!!!
Daddy got a new truck!!!
He's just like me...got the same
exact car - even the color!!!
Sunday Night Youth Group!!!!!!
Unfortunately Hayden G moved away:(
He was such a cutie. He and his family
will be very missed. He had a few kiddos
over to swim before he left.
He was the first boy that I know of
to have a crush on my girl;)
Blonde Boy
Daddy LOVE!!!!!!
Hadlee LOVES how her mama is
loud and crazy in stores just to
embarrass her!!!!!!!!!!!
Visiting our dear friend, Mr. V!!!
I'm so thankful that we got this pic
with Mumsie♥ She was 101 at the time!!!
Mr. V is such a special soul!
So glad he is in our lives💙
Our favorite place to eat with Grandmother!
Sister finally decided on a back pack...
moving away from Vera Bradley:)
He will always be my baby...
I could never, ever get enough of their lovin'❣❣❣
OR their silly antics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cromie Time!!!!!!!!!!
Ella had stayed over for the night.
I cracked up at Hadlee's text to me
at 3:27 am..."We are still awake
if that's ok"!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sadly, I received word in August
that one of my former students
had died in a tragic diving accident
in our lake. I immediately had to
pull up pictures from his class
and there he was...........
I LOVED this group of kiddos
that I had in Pre-AP English II.
We held a very special candle light
vigil at MHS in honor of Nick.
The year I had Nick I was searching for
a white football helmet for Walker to
wear for Halloween with his A&M
football uniform. Nick was so quick to
tell me that he had one and that he would
bring it to school. Sure enough he did.
I had it for a while and then Hudson
came upon it and he LOVED it.
Nick let us keep it(:
Coach V then gave Hudson Midway
stickers for it. Hudson is in this helmet
soooooooooooooo often.
Such a reminder of Nick❤

This was my Facebook post about Nick...
"Larger than life, a force of nature, so lovable, quite the character" ... all words used to describe Nick at his service. As his former teacher, I couldn't agree more with those words!!!! My heart is broken for his family and friends. It's just unfathomable. As a parent, I absolutely loved what his dad had to say about leaving it all out there - all the time. I'll never forget Nick. In fact the year I had him, I was searching for a white football helmet for a costume for Walker. Nick jumped up and said he would bring me one and sure enough he did! That was Nick! Well, Hudson became attached to that helmet and Nick let us keep it and we even got Midway stickers for it. There are VERY few days that Hudson doesn't have that helmet on his head at some point in the day. We will treasure that most special helmet even more now...forever❥❤️ Nick was in one of my most favorite classes of all time. May God comfort his family and friends as only He can. So many prayers...."
Putting in some work!!!!!!!!!
Grandmother and her high school
friends meeting up for lunch & fun!!!
Just like that, I was on my way back
to school praying for an amazing year
and asking for God's grace and mercy
as we adjust to back to school!
Getting my new classroom ready!!!
I moved directly across the hall to get a window!!!
I'm so thankful that my boy attends
Wednesday Night Live!!!
Playing school with sister again!!!
Fun Flashback!!!!!!!!!!!!
Snow Cones at SCHOOL!!!
With my intern, his friend and Sarah's sub!
Macy gets "back to school"...SPOT ON!!!!
More Mallon💗
My girl's texts!!!!!!!!
Never a dull moment with these two!!!
❤Life is good with my favorite four!❤
1 comment:
no sale que se encueran todos los niños
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