Sunday, October 2, 2016

#truth for days...

 Sister still loves to play games!
And she STiLL WiNS!!!!!!!!!
Kelli Kelly & me on a Barbie card;)
 Big Huds is all about football games now;)
 This child is our PERFORMER!!!!!!!
 OH the faces of Hudson Jack Pierce!!!!!!
 That we then send back
and forth to each other:)
 These guys are just too cool for school...
This is what happens when you play
at Hadlee's house;) 
 Curly side pony for the win:)
 Troy had been searching the world
over for THiS hat and THiS "scraper" thing...
 When he can't find something the world
stops!  One day I happened upon them both!  ha!
He was out of town so I kept
sending him pics like this;)
Lunch Date with Family (:

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