Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Five Years Ago...

It was a very early morning FIVE years ago on 
July 25, 2010, that I got the call about
 Travis and his accident. These pictures are what I 
saw as a nurse held me while I crumbled
 to the ground. It's NO exaggeration when I
 say that we were given absolutely no hope.
 It was horrific. 
Those first weeks, I clung to 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
 (it's still hanging on my dresser mirror from that week). 

There was something about,
 "Therefore we do not lose heart...
It was like God speaking to me in the 
depths of my pain for Travis, Lynna, Scott, 
Hunter, my parents, my sweet children 
watching all of this and myself.
 I thought there was no way we could survive this.
 In one instance, our lives were changed forever. 
Not a day since July 25, 2010, 
has been the same for us. 
Although our hearts have broken time 
and time and time again, 
it was by the grace of God that we didn't lose heart.
 God chose to perform a miracle and 
let Travis live. And five years later, 
because of your prayers and God's divine mercy, 
and through the will power of the most 
determined person I know and two parents
 who put everything else in their lives aside....
this second picture is Travis at my
 house in July, five years after his accident.

While Trav's journey feels and 
has felt FAR from "light and momentary" 
(as the verse states)
and it's SO hard to understand
 WHY life is so difficult for him 
and so many others, we CaN'T lose heart or SIGHT
of what awaits us if we believe!
🙌We have to CLiNG to that.
Today, five years later, I'm so thankful
 that I also get to cling to our 
Superman TRaViS - 
to hug him, see him smile, laugh with him, 
and be amazed by him. 
Thank you for your prayers and 
support AND continued prayers. 
His journey is not over by any means....
Travis, I love you more 

than you could imagine. 
Always have, Always will.  

1 comment:

snekcip said...

Oh Mindy, this post really brings me to tears. While I have never met your family in person, I feel as if I have known you guys all my life. I can remember this day like it was yesterday. I can remember getting to work and open the blog as I ate my morning breakfast before work. I can remember the audible gasp that I made and remember praying without ceasing for Travis. It has been a journey, but more so a testimony of God's AMAZING GRACE. My mom has always said "God won't bring you through anything, He cannot deliver you from". God has truly use Travis as a Vessel to carry out his message of Goodness. While I don't get here often anymore, I ALWAYS CHECK IN on your family when I do get here. Thank you and Lynna for sharing your precious Travis, for I believe he belongs to SO MANY THAT ADORES HIM!!