"Friends are family you choose!"
Jess C. Scott
I still can't believe that my dearest
friends and I are turning FoRTY!!!
Lordy Lordy!!!
I still think and feel like I'm 25!!!!!!!!!
I've been cracking up finding
old pictures of my dearest
and best friends as the big 4-OH
approaches!!! Gotta have good stuff
to post on their Facebooks and to send them!
Kelli G was first to the 40 club;)
She's my longest, best, dearest friend.
She said it wasn't as cool turning 40
first as it was to turn 16 first!
I seriously couldn't do life without her.
She knows my family and I better than anyone.
There is nothing like a life long friend.
Kelli G. is my best girl.
Then there was Megan!!!
She has a heart of gold.
She's a NaNa tried and true.
She's our memory.
She remembers everything.
Megan and I have often thought we
needed to be closer best friends;)
We just never had the opportunity to
live with each other.
Megan radiates joy and I just
love being around her.
Megan is truly a beautiful,
genuine person. She's the best.
Then Kaye!!!
My Kaye Bells. Oh this girl.
I got the name Hudson from her
maiden name:)
I love that I have a little Kaye
Bells in my Hudson Jack!!!
I love her so much.
We lived together in the Green House
our junior and senior years.
She was a Baylor cheerleader and she
often let me "play" in her suit.
Kaye is pure love.
She has the most generous
and passionate heart and soul.
You can't help but just love her.
AND laugh your heart out at her:)
"Feel the Heat"
Kimberly was next.
I carry my dearest friend, Kimberly,
in my heart. Seriously I do.
We pledged PiPhi together
and agreed to live together our
sophomore year in the stairwell of our
dorm at Collins.
Instantly, I knew she was made for me.
Kimberly is the most compassionate
person. I wish I had Kim in my back
pocket. I miss her so much
now that she lives in Australia.
Still I could count on her for ANYthing.
Really, anything, anytime.
Kim is truly such a good, good person.
I love her and her family like my own.
A friend of hers in Australia created
a scrapbook for her 40th:)
We've shared everything with
each other since we met.
I couldn't love her more.
Kimberly completes me ...
I've never once doubted her loyalty
or her steadfast love for me.
Kimberly Mo has made me
a better person in this world.
I just wish she lived in MY world;)
Then there was Kelli.
The girl I met at PiPhi Initiation.
To say it was love at first
sight would be an understatement.
We were meant to be.
If there was such a thing as my
girl soul mate, she is that person:)
This chick and I laugh so much
and have such a blast together
(except for that one time in our lives
when she got a headache!).
It was often said that we
shared a brain?!? Maybe so.
We've been on some HiLaRiouS
adventures together. Seriously HiLaRiouS.
I really did dream of having a best friend
like Kelli when I was little.
She has so much joy and love and fun
and happiness in her. She's just beautiful
in every way. It's quite obvious I adore her.
It was she who picked me up the first time
I left my babies over night...
and leave it to her to be dressed like them
when she picked me up at the airport.
That's who she is!!!
We are God Mommies to each others' kids...
She loves me so much and I
never, ever doubt that.
My joy is her joy!
And my sadness is her sadness.
AND she's the ONLY person I've shown up
in the same dress with on MORE than
one occasion.
I never dreamed that when we
were 40 we would still be this close
although several states apart:(
We make it work because
we love each other so fiercely!
Next up is Brandy...
and I love her to death!
There's not a thing in this world
that I couldn't say to this girl
AND vice versa.
Brandy is one of a kind!
I met her when she lived in the apartment
next door to Kelli and Megan.
She and Kaye grew up together.
She is a riot and tells it like it is!
Brandy is just Brandy and
I love her dearly!!!
I have a blast with this girl:)
She has a heart of gold.
Her birthday isn't until the end of May
so I've got time to dig up more
pictures and stories about her;)
Finally the baby of our group,
Laura, will turn 40 in August -
when we are ALL TOGETHER on a trip!
My Sweet L!
Troy affectionately named her L.I.C.
shortly after meeting her.
"Laura in Charge"
That is who she is and the NaNa's
couldn't make it without her.
Any day I get to spend with Sweet L...
then and/or now...is special!
I admire her strength, her loyalty,
her enthusiasm, and her spunk!
I just love me some Sweet L!!!!!!!
There isn't a better person on
earth than Laura.
But again, I've got plenty of time
to dig up more pics and stories
of Tick. I mean, Laura!
I don't know what it is about
this group. Maybe it's that we all
chose one another and we were
with each other through the first
four years of being away
from our families and our comfort
zones? I don't know, but it's something
special and it has to be
God given. Although I was and
always have been surrounded
by AMAZING friends during high
school and in every other stage
of my life since college,
there is still nothing like this group.
It's a beautiful thing and I'm so grateful.

We've shared so much....
the list is endless!!!!!
And we've shared it ALL:
the good, the bad and the ugly;)
We shared so much in those four
years we were at Baylor.
We were carefree and we knew
that someday we'd miss it.
And we do.
Our lives are certainly more FULL
now, but boyyyyyyy, were
those some fun days!!!!!
These pictures don't even begin
to grasp all the memories we have!!!
Who knew that my Dad invented
the "Photo Bomb" way back when?!? ;)
Every Spring Break = Destin
until our Senior Year when we
went snow skiing!
If these cars could speak,
oh the stories they would tell!!! ;)
Floyd Casey which is NO MORE!
New Orleans!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Green HiZoW
Some of us really liked
those witches costumes;)
There was ALWAYS
something going on. ALWAYS.
LOLLYing the Pound!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There were a few others here
and there whom we loved...
but it was pretty much the seven
of us that stuck together
and THAT has continued
and won't EVER stop!

Our lives have taken us all over the place
and into all kinds of situations.
We are true to one another though.
We've been in each others' weddings
and 18 kids later, we are still going strong:)
In the days leading up to turning 40,
I suddenly felt sad. Not for turning
40 but because I was missing these
girls and felt I needed to be with
them for my 40th. I am completely
and totally content and blessed way
beyond measure with my current life and friends...
so I don't know what it
was...maybe because we shared other
big birthdays together or I just
think of them when it comes to celebrating
the big moments. Of course as soon
as my day arrived, I was over this
and had the best 40th possible.
But still...
there's just something about these girls.
I wished and hoped and prayed
for my very own "group"
when I was in high school.
Rather than being in every group
which I did love ~ but I just
longed for my very own group.
The Good Lord came through.
They know every single thing about me,
and still love me...AND I sure do
love them with all my heart.
Tickets are bought and the trip is planned
for this summer!!! 40 with my girls:)
Can't WAIT!!!!!!!!!! :)
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