Monday, September 8, 2014

Summer Projects:)

I'm working on little projects throughout
my house.  My first big one was
my office:) and the very first thing
I wanted to do was make it BRiGHT
and CHeeRFuL so T-dawg painted
it yellow for me!!!
This is my little room:)
 ...and especially where
Trendy Mindy and her Loves happens;)
 LOVE these that Walker and Hadlee
did in 4th grade and 1st grade!
 My shelves are filled with
TREASURES (to me anyways)...
 I'm talking SeRiouS treasures to me!!!!!!
 I cherish, cherish, cherish pictures!!!
This wall and the many frames in this little
room represent so many that
I love love LOVE!!!
 I may drive people crazy taking
so many pictures, but that just won't ever
stop!;) This picture alone is worth
more money that I could ever grasp...
it was the last picture I took of
Travis before his accident (I took it
a couple of weeks before). 
It's priceless to me. 
 Another space I worked on was the hallway
leading to the kids' rooms.  Troy painted
it fig fave neutral paint. 
Then I worked on pictures to
represent my three loves!!!
I have framed one each of
their Star Student awards because
to me there just isn't a better
award ~ no sport or talent can top
being kind and getting recognized for it!
But I do have their favorite
activities very well highlighted
in our hallway:)
Hadlee helped me narrow down my
choices to our favorite ones:)
Trust me, I had plenty to choose
from for Walker & Hadlee. 
Won't be long until that will be true
for Big Huds!!! 
At the end of the first six weeks when
Walker was in kindergarten, I showed up
to pick him up and his sweet teacher
was like, "Walker has something
very special to show you.  He got
awards from each of the 'specials' teachers
on the first round for the first six week
 ~ I've never seen that happen before!"
Of course Walker didn't even tell
me about the awards until I asked,
but WOW...we were SO incredibly
proud and honored!!!
I framed three of them...he also
got one in art and they have been
hanging in his room ever since.
Recently he asked me to change
them with team pictures:(
I finally did with three
of his favorite teams from recently. 
 He has other younger team pics
in his room, too!  This kid loves
being on a team:)
I am NOT crafty AT ALL, but I have
been doing some painting here and there!
I love the turquoise that I see everywhere
and I decided to give painting a table a try;)
(I'm still working on the frames and what it
going on it...but I love it!!!)
 I also painted this shelf navy
for Hudson's room!  He is so proud
of his shelf and decorated the second
row himself!  :)
We also added some chevron to my
'chevron lovin' little girl's room:)
I have other little projects I'm
working on...and even more than
these projects, I'm so thankful
that I cleaned out lots of closets
and got things organized!!!
Still more to do...but I did
accomplish quite a bit:)
Troy and I sometimes discuss
moving/building again...and not because
we need a bigger home ~ we certainly
want to keep our home simple. 
But more because
there are a few things we wish
we had done differently with this home
and as the kids are getting older,
we are realizing it more and more.
We just don't know...
but I feel confident the Lord
will guide us in the right direction.
Our children certainly don't want
to move.  This is our home.
To us, it's beautiful and perfect...
and Home, Sweet Home.
We are blessed, that's for sure..
and it has nothing to do with
our home or material possessions!

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