Saturday, December 28, 2013

Hadlee's Christmas Sweater!!!

Hadlee went to a fun Christmas party
with her class on the day before the
holiday break.  When Jersi's mom and
I came to pick them up, we were
quite surprised to see the sweaters
that Hadlee and Jersi had created;)
None of the other sweaters
looked quite like theirs!!!
The hostess even told me that
she encouraged the two of them
to move their Hershey kisses,
but they liked them just
where they were!
Cora and I were DYiNG!!!
Tassles and all!;) 
When we got home, Troy couldn't
stand it and finally just had to say
something..."Haddie, did you put
some little boobies on your
Christmas sweater at the party?"
The look on Hadlee's face
was of sheer HORROR...
like how awful and terrible
for Daddy to say such a thing.
Her response,
"Daddy, it's a REINDEER.
It's Rudolph."
Of course!!!!!!!  Duh!!!!!!!!
It's the perfect Rudolph...
eyes, nose and antlers!


snekcip said...

Indeed PRICELESS!!!! Too funny!!!!!

Beth E. said...

Bahahaha! Of COURSE it's Rudolph! I knew it all along! ;-)