We have been trying to savor our last days of summer!
Trips to Hfalls with great friends was a Fo SHO...
Garrett, Peyton, Parker, Jared, Walker
Sweet girls!!!
Ella Reid, Kate, Hadlee, Reese
Wth these little cuties, too!
All of the sudden, the Wii has become
popular in our house again...
mainly to see who can get the
lowest "fitness" level.
Of course Walker WoN!!!!!!
(He has been playing on everyone's
accounts trying to get the lowest
score ~ Daddy got 30;)
Even Little Man has been trying!!!
Sweetest sleep over EvER!
Kimi + Hadlee = Besties
Such a sweet sleep over...
especially with their extra little friend;)
Lovin' Superman and Hunter B!!! ALWAYS(:
Walker + Jonah = Best Buds

My H's = My Heart
Fun Day at Hfalls with the Barkleys & Steens!
This is appropriate behavior at
a pizza restaurant, right?!?
Seeing how this kid is going to
dress himself each day ;)))
Savoring our mornings...
eating breakfast (LATE because we sleep late!!!)
and making duct tape bags galore!!!;)
Mary Jane kissing Spiderman
just like in the movie! haaaaaaaaaaaa
Sweet Girl with her duct tape
wrapped ankle;) Poor thing!
This huge guy on his iPad........
Spiderman ALwaYS in action!!!
Crafts with Kate Kate!!!
RED, red faces from playing SO HARD outside in the heat!!!
Going here and there and everywhere
whenever we want with
Blue Eyes in the back seat;)
A swim with Grandmother
at our fave pool again (:
Of course I had to go back to school
on the 19th...a week before the kids:(
I was bummed for my summer to
be over but excited to see my teacher
friends and to begin preparing for my
new students!!! (:
Logan was AWESOME enough to
come and keep the kids each morning
for me!!! They had a BLaST with him(:
I think he was supposed to get a job
all summer...so he finally did...
the week before he starts college!!! ;)
Hudson was taking our pics;) but you can
still see how much fun we were having with the Logolo!
God bless his heart ~ he had a full week
with THE STORM;)
I can't believe this sweet guy started school
at MCC today. He and Hunter both!
I'm so proud of my handsome nephews (:
Guess what Grandmother got Haddie Girl?
Her very own LoCKer!!!!
I decided we might just need a couple
more little things for school;)
and so off to JuSTiCe we went...
but we had Walker with us;(
Fortunately for him, he met up with
two buddies at Three Spoons while we
shopped in Justice. It was so funny
seeing these three inside this girly girl
store after they were done!
True friends;)
Miss Priss ~ ALL about Justice!!!!!
And darling as EvER!!!!!!!
This little guy ~ he makes up fun
anywhere you take him!!!!
She came out dressed like this
over the weekend and told me she
was going on a date...with Hudson:)
Sweet girl had over Dylan and Shelby,
two precious friends, who will actually
be in her class this year. They played
with their American Girls and it was too cute:)
Praying for a SWeeT year for all three
of them in Mrs. Bain's class :)
Doing little things here and there
during these last summer moments
to get us all ready for school ;)
Today was officially our last day of
summer!:( Walker spent the morning with
Jonah and the H's stayed with Mrs. Janice.
I picked them up and we headed to
their fave lunch spot ~ Mazzio's
for pizza and games. Then we
ran an errand and went to Petco
where they tried to talk me into a cat! ;0 ha!
Even in the very hottest days of summer,
there you'll find my Huds in his
Spiderman PJ top and Nike pants.
Sometimes it's just not worth the fight;)
We spent the rest of our afternoon
basically how we started our summer...
WaTeR TRaMPoLiNe!!!!!!!!
Obviously we love you, Summer (:
Summer, you will be missed...
but we will still have fun no matter what! ;)
School may start tomorrow...
but the CRaZY kid jumping so HiGH
in this pic will turn 11 tomorrow!!!!!!
By the looks of it, the little guy
who was freaking out over Big Bro
and Big Sis jumping so high might
be glad to have them back in school! ;)
Our summer has been FuN!
And my heart is FuLL❤