Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Senior English 2013

Teaching a SENIOR English class this
year along with my two sophomore
classes has been such an experience!!!
One that I will never forget;)

We've had our ups and downs;)
Because, well, it's my first time
with this curriculum and seniors are
rather D-O-N-E and outspoken
and honest, BUT most of all.......
I absolutely love these kids ~
most of them are like little adults:)
Buhl & Erica
Troy, Erica, Haley, Beau
Chad, Erica, Haley
Kumar & the girls;)
Jeremy & Buhl tired of our antics;)
Don't tell...but I do have a favorite
 student this year.  Usually I don't have favorites,
but I can't help it this year!  :)
Haley, Omar, Elizabeth, Erica, Krishna
Jeremy...probably the most entertaining
student I've ever had.  He's a riot!!!
Logan & Jeremy
They drive me CRAZY trying to play
some silly game on their iPhones and I
have to snatch them up all the time!!! 
This class is FULL of personality!!!
Every Monday we say our "highs and lows"
of the weekend ~ it's like therapy.  Now they
want to say their highs and lows of everyday
Such a funny group...I could go
on and on about each student in this class.
I'm going to be so sad at the end of the year!

Robin happened to find this on Instagram
(which I don't have) and it absolutely
made my day that they posted this
and what they wrote! 
My sweet, sweet, beautiful senior girls:)  

LOVE my Seniors 2013!!!

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