Sunday, March 27, 2011

Smiling, Walking, Hunting and Praying

 This smile lights up my life!  :)
A sweet Sunday in November....
Bubba Love was wearing Walker's
old shirt & pants.......
AND he was taking lots of steps!!!  :(
This was a big day for Walker, Troy and
This was their first trip to the deer lease!!! :(
Such a big boy going with Daddy to the deer
lease in his camo, old jeans, and camo bag! 

Walker had a blast & can't wait to go back!
Haddie and I were so happy when they
got back home...even if they did stink!!! ;)

One afternoon I picked Walker
up from a birthday party at the movie theater.
He couldn't wait to show me
what he bought with his money...
a Jesus necklace that made him think
about praying for Travis. 


Shannon said...

Oh, That Sweet, Sweet Walker! We miss you guys so much. We need a Travis update! Landon had on his shirt yesterday and asked about him.

Beth E. said...

What a tender heart Walker has, Mindy! He melts my heart, too. :-)

Hudson is so cute, trying to walk on his tip toes...he's growing so fast!

Love and prayers, sweet friend.

Brandi said...

What a sweet boy you have!! Love the pic of your kids. Hudson is so big. Time flies too fast!!!!

Mrs. Davison said...

Boy oh boy, your children are just precious! Can they get any cuter or any sweeter? You are doing such a wonderful job of teaching them compassion and selflessness.