I used to pray for a group of my very own
best friends...and God answered my prayer
at the end of my freshman year at Baylor!
There are seven of us...
and we love each other with wild abandon!
BeST friends known as the Na Na's
came to see Travis!
My beloved Kimberly definitely gets the
award for farthest visitor!!! She and her
precious family were home (to Houston)
from down under in Australia!
It made my heart so happy when she
told me that they
would be working in a trip to
Austin to see Travis.
She KNOWS the love I have for him.
Sweet L (Laura) hosted a perfect little dinner in
honor of the Hyndmans on the first night.
What else do I love?!? PETIT NANA'S!
Especially watching them
grow to love one another! This was all in the
master plan from our college days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Walker & Jacob...two peas in a pod! ;)
Sawyer & Hudson...two cuties! ;)
Lovers like their mommies! :)
Hadlee & Claire
Chloe Bo! My sweet little girl from
down under! Miss her so much!!!!!!!!!! :(
Even if she didn't really want to stop
to take a pic with her favorite Auntie M!
The next day we all met for lunch before going
to Texas Neuro to see Travis.
I had NO idea that they were all showing
up in Superman shirts. Made my day!
Sweet L & Walker had the same one
on...same size and everything! ;)))
Two of the sweetest girls I've ever known...
This just does (and did) my heart so much good.
Of course Brandy and Kaye and
their petits were there in spirit!
With this gang, there isn't one lost beat
in our steps when we get back together again...
even with us living ALL over the world!
God Mommy gets 2nd place on farthest visitor...
coming in from California!
These two KNEW I needed them in the flesh!
I have the most beautiful friends.
I'm sorry I keep bragging! ;)
Wonder if these two will share a brain
like their mommies do?!?
This looks like a birthday card that Kelli and I
would send to each other with a funny
phrase on the inside of the card!
My little blue eyed blondie looks
good with his gorgeous God Mommy!
Ooops, my other beautiful blonde bestie
looks good with the Huds, too!
These seven girls (even when some aren't
present, we pretend that they are...plus
everyone hears all the stories and you
forget which visits you've missed out on!)
have been INCREDIBLE to my family
and me. BEYOND incredible actually.
I texted Kelli first thing on the morning
of the accident. I felt her heart break
with mine even through a text.
I couldn't bear to talk to her yet...
she knows me way too well.
Same with Kimberly when I first heard
from her from Australia.
Really with all of them.
They have all been so supportive
and generous...giving to my sister & even
having my house cleaned more than once!
(That's the sign of true friendship!!!)
Megan...my rock...reminding me
"there's not a spot where God is not".
Just so supportive and loving
especially talking to me those first days.
Kaye...generously giving to my family and
treating my sisters & me to a spa package!
Feeling and remembering and knowing my
love for Travis was like her love for
her brother who is the same age.
We always loved that bond!
Sweet L...there for anything & everything...
especially during our days in Austin.
No questions asked...whatever I needed.
Even going to check on and hang
out with Travis when Lynna
needed her.
Brandy...heartfelt prayers and love
and support no matter what.
Kelli & Kimberly...well, they just knew...
I couldn't have made it
without them. They get me.
Beyond amazing is
all I can say. Still to this day.
I love these girls with all of my heart
and soul. They are heart friends.
After lunch we went to see and visit Travis!
I had needed to see Kelli so desperately. :(
Hudson...quit looking so cute with all
of my gorgeous blonde friends!
Superman shirts are hard to come
by down under.
Sweet Chloe has one now! :)
Kimberly has some awesome friends
in Australia following and praying for Travis.
They even sent him Christmas cards!
LOVE it, Mateys!
just melt my heart!
This is how us Na Na's raise our girls... ;)
BEST God Mommy in the WORLD!!!!!!!!!!
And finally...what the day was all about.
My beautiful and amazing friends supporting
and loving my Travis whom they had all
come to love and know while we were
in college. This was mid-November when he
was in and out of wakefulness. That day
he managed to give them a thumbs up! :)
He knew he was in the presence
of some HOT chicks there to love on him!
This day did my heart SUCH good...
I had needed these friends' actual hugs so much.
My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. John 15:12-13